Aby thoughts???

Hello all,
I wanted to bounce off a couple of things off the folks in here.I have
two servers with Remedy installed with the following specifics:-

OS - CentOS
ARServer Version - 7.1 patch 3
ITSM version        - 7.0.03 patch 8 ( everything OOB)
Database   -    oracle 10 g(remote)
Midtier      -   7.1 patch 3

OS  - Rhel 5
ARServer Version - 7.1 patch 3
ITSM version    -  7.0.03 patch 8
Database     - oracle 10g ( remote)  (same host as box 1 but separate
DB instance)
Midtier          - 7.1 patch 3
Contains customizations to ITSM modules,  in - house ARS apps, and
their integration.

I need to let go of SERVER 2 but have all the data, custom apps and
customizations moved over to SERVER1. what would be a good approach to
accomplish this. I am thinking of following two ways to accomplish

1) Do a DB refresh from SERVER 2 to SERVER 1 and clean out all the
server name references ,config forms. Please let me know of any
gotcha's or caveats in this approach.

2) Is it possible for SERVER1 to connect to DB instance of SERVER2 by
doing the ar.conf,TWOTASK, etc changes? I am betting it cant be this
easy.if its possible what should be my approach for it?


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