** Hi,

For Oracle Database following information may help you:-

1>Character with a maximum length of 4000 or fewer bytes = varchar for DB2 & Oracle DB

2>Character with an unlimited length or a maximum length of more than 4000 bytes=clob  for Db2 & Oracle DB

3>If you set the Input Length to more than the maximum for varchar, the character field is created as a clob database

table column and storage is allocated in blocks that average between 1K to 2K bytes (depending on the database). A full

block is allocated for the first byte. When that block is filled with the field contents, another full block is


4>CLOB (character large object) data is stored:

In Row:-
If the length of the character data, including the LOB locator, is less than or equal to 4000 bytes, store the data "in
If the length of the character data, including the LOB locator, is greater than 4000 bytes, store the LOB locator "in
row" and the data "out row."

you expect to store unusually large amounts of data in
CLOBs, set this option to TRUE before installing AR System applications
so that all database tables for applications are created in-row.

In-row CLOBs can degrade CPU performance.

If a field contains more than 4000 characters, the CLOB is stored out
row no matter which value is specified for this server setting.

Out Row Store the data "out row." Out-row CLOBs can cause the database to grow rapidly.

Trupti Thorave

On 4/30/2013 8:24 PM, Brittain, Mark wrote:

HI All,


I have an interesting situation that was reported to me. If a user using an existing Change selects Create Related Request >>  Infrastructure Change sometimes it works and sometimes it does not. Specifically the new Change is displayed and if there is a small amount of data in the Notes/Detailed Description, the new Change is saved. If the Notes/Detailed Description is like 4,000 characters, on save the user gets an error “Required field cannot be blank.: Request ID (ARERR 326)”


I would think if the issue was the size of the Notes was too big, it would generate max limit. Has anyone encountered this issue?


ITSM 7.6.04 SP3




Mark Brittain

Remedy Developer

ITILv3 Foundation

NaviSite – A Time Warner Cable Company


Office: 315-453-2912 x5335

Mobile: 315-882.5360



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