thank you Calman and David Morgan. I had to copy the <ar dir>/api and point the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to $HOME/api/lib

Calman Steynberg wrote:
This is caused by not having the native libraries on your path. When the JVM can't find native libraries you get java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError.

Make sure that the following DLL's are in your $PATH if you are using windows:


Of course, if you are on Unix, then make sure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes the location of the equivalent libraries.


Joe DeSouza wrote:
I think this may be because that you might be having two jar files having the same classes being initiated in the same java instance. You will need to find out which jar file contains these classes that throw the exception below and remove them and place them at a common location so it is initialized just once. Joe

*From:* Ravi <>
*To:* arslist@ARSLIST.ORG
*Sent:* Thursday, January 22, 2009 2:24:36 PM
*Subject:* Remedy Java API: UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy.ARInitialization()J

Hi: I am trying to create and run java applications from a server where Remedy is not installed. Scripts that run on perfectly fine on the remedy server donot seem to run on a server where remedy is not installed. I have copied all the jar files to $JAVA_HOME/lib directory. I can compile the script fine. But I get the following error when I try to run the script. I see a number of people reporting this error and none of solution seems to be helping me..

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy.ARInitialization()J
      at com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy.ARInitialization(Native Method)
      at com.bmc.arsys.api.Proxy.<init>(Unknown Source)
      at com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyJRpcBase.<init>(Unknown Source)
      at com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyJRpc.<init>(Unknown Source)
      at com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyManager.createProxy(Unknown Source)
      at com.bmc.arsys.api.ProxyPool.get(Unknown Source)
      at com.bmc.arsys.api.PoolingProxyManager.getProxy(Unknown Source)
      at com.bmc.arsys.api.ARServerUser.verifyUser(Unknown Source)
      at checkRequest.main(

Line 26 in the code is server.verifyUser();


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