Re: Do we need two separate License keys If we plan 2 Remedy instances on ONE SUN BOX

2012-02-13 Thread patchsk
Yes, each solaris zone or virtual machine is treated as a separate instance and you need license for each of them. You can check with your BMC account rep to see if your are in new pricing model which may give you unlimited installs. But you may still have to pay user licensing for each instanc

Do we need two separate License keys If we plan 2 Remedy instances on ONE SUN BOX

2012-02-13 Thread Ramesh Danam
Hello I am planing to create another ARS Remedy 7.1 Version Instnace on same solaris box in separate ZONE. Separate ZONE named as separate host separate IP address. Do we need to request another LICENSE KEY for New Instance ? OR can we use same existing LICENSE KEY ? can we point same ORACLE