Re: HSTS and Mid Tier

2016-11-28 Thread Axton
Most of the web apps I setup with HSTS have apache httpd in front of them. I set it up in httpd and call it a day. It's pretty straight forward. I tend to lean toward httpd for end user facing interfaces because it's much easier to manage and secure 1 piece of software (httpd) than trying to deal

HSTS and Mid Tier

2016-11-10 Thread Joe Castleman
Greetings! I run a public-facing Mid Tier. I've been tasked with implementing HSTS on the web servers. I'm running Mid Tier 8.1, using IIS and Tomcat on Windows 2008 Server. I came across this at BMC Communities: "Currently, the Tomcat HSTS security filter is not compatible with Mid-Tier. Given