I am getting a strange error message when opening a custom form.  "No
Such Field ID".  The error comes from Internet Explorer.  Behind that
message is another error stating that there was an Internet Explorer
script error.  This form has a vertical nav bar and some flashboards,
tables and character fields.  It is a display only console type form.
I was originally getting this error on an earlier version of this
custom form that had no flashboards.  I figured that a new form would
eliminate the error.  All fields on the new version of the form were
created new.  To make things worse (or better, I'm not sure), the
error is not reproducible.  It seems to happen randomly.  I may get it
two days in a row, then not see it for a week.  I compared the
referenced html file from when I get the error to one that is created
when there is no error.  They are identical and do not have anywhere
near the 425 lines that the error shows.  What the html file shows is
the nav bar menu items.  The only way to get control back of the user
Tool is to go to task manager and kill the aruser.exe process. Support
has been unable to help so far.  Any help would be greatly



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