Hi again,

Seems that I have found the reason to some of the failing tests "the hard way". After spending time on some other failing calculations, I have figured out that the default in ARTS gives absorption lookup-tables that miss all lines. For example, TestOdinSMR_1D uses

Copy(abs_xsec_agenda, abs_xsec_agenda__noCIA)

This agenda is defined as

AgendaSet( abs_xsec_agenda__noCIA ){

No inclusion of lines! Another Odin/SMR test uses

AgendaSet( abs_xsec_agenda ) {

and this works. Both tests generates abs tables.

I get a message that abs_xsec_per_speciesAddLines is deprecated. But why removed from the defaults for abs_xsec_agenda before the alternative is in place?

Anyhow, how shall abs_xsec_agenda be defined to get correct abs tables in v2.5?



-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Failing tests
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2021 17:55:33 +0200
From: Patrick Eriksson <patrick.eriks...@chalmers.se>
To: ARTS Development List <arts_dev.mi@lists.uni-hamburg.de>

Hi all,

I have spent some time on trying to figure out how the changes in my branch could have created some failing tests. But just run make check-all with master and the same tests failed also there, so there seem to be older issues.

The failed tests listed below. These issues under control? Noticed that some tests demand an accuracy of 2nK! The deviation was 2.5 mK, which can be OK. On the other hand, there were also tests failing with deviations of 30-100 K.



The following tests FAILED:
         42 - arts.ctlfile.slow.artscomponents.clearsky.TestBatch (Failed)
         43 - python.arts.ctlfile.slow.artscomponents.clearsky.TestBatch 
        152 - arts.ctlfile.slow.instruments.odinsmr.TestOdinSMR_1D (Failed)
        153 - python.arts.ctlfile.slow.instruments.odinsmr.TestOdinSMR_1D 
        156 - arts.ctlfile.slow.instruments.hirs.TestHIRS_fast (Failed)
        157 - python.arts.ctlfile.slow.instruments.hirs.TestHIRS_fast (Failed)
        158 - arts.ctlfile.slow.instruments.metmm.TestMetMM (Failed)
        159 - python.arts.ctlfile.slow.instruments.metmm.TestMetMM (Failed)
180 - arts.ctlfile.xmldata.artscomponents.arts-xml-data.TestPlanetIsoRatios (Failed) 181 - python.arts.ctlfile.xmldata.artscomponents.arts-xml-data.TestPlanetIsoRatios (Failed)
        184 - arts.ctlfile.xmldata.artscomponents.cia.TestRTwithCIA (Failed)
        185 - python.arts.ctlfile.xmldata.artscomponents.cia.TestRTwithCIA 
        232 - arts.pyarts.pytest (Failed)

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