More than a few parallels with Asbury Park, and some food for  thought, here:

Real Estate, NYT, March 4, 2007  
National Perspectives: _A  Portland Community Forges a New Identity - New 
York Times_ 
We were looking for a city that was close to the ocean, and a neighborhood  
that was as diverse as possible.
Stirring again after decades of neglect.... 
Now it is possible on the same block to eat a $100 meal at one of the  city’s 
fine seafood restaurants or get one free at a soup kitchen that feeds 500  
people daily. Residents here sleep in historic homes, some worth $300,000 or  
more …while transients can get a free bed at overnight shelters….
On Bayside's south end are worn convenience stores with metal grates on the  
windows selling cigarettes and beer. On the north end is a new  
47,000-square-foot Whole Foods Market. 
So you just knew that the city’s deteriorated back door could become its  
handsome front door.
The question facing developers and the city…was this: Would people with  
means, particularly college-educated professionals just getting started, be  
willing to settle in a neighborhood known for its soup kitchen, shelters and  
A sense of community for those with rising fortunes…, and those less  
fortunate. It has coaxed people of different incomes, backgrounds and races to  
side by side. “A lot of people didn't think it could happen. Piece by  piece, 
it’s happening.” 
Upwardly mobile young professionals resettled the city’s seaside  
neighborhoods. Artists colonized lofts and old homes in other neighborhoods. 
With its ample open spaces and old homes ready to be rehabilitated, was  seen 
by city planners as a place of metropolitan opportunity....The designers  
minimized the number of parking spaces and maximized the development’s  density.
In 2005, the federal Environmental Protection Agency awarded the  
Environmental Merit Award for significant contributions to environmental  
awareness and 
problem solving. "These projects take stamina, patience and  creativity," the 
award citation said. 

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