Richard Virgilio's "B Plot" in the current issue of the Coaster is a
great call for volunteerism in our city, and he lists several worthy
charities. Click here: The Coaster » Blog Archive » The B Plot

In addition, from Detective Connie Breech:

"Hi Everyone! As some of you may know, Georgies is having a Breast
Cancer benefit on October 5, 2007. There will be lots of great groups,
and I will be working the Chinese auction. If anyone would like to
donate an item for us to raffle off that would be awesome, gift basket
or cards or anything cool is welcome. Please email me or give me a call
if you're interested: 732-312-7359. I will be donating 4 tickets to the
Yankees in 2008. We also have several gift cards from local restaurants.
Thanks so much in helping with this cause."

If anyone never heard George Carlin's 1980 routine on "Stuff," you can
see and hear it here: Click here: George Carlin - Stuff
<>  .

It might send you truckin' on over to Connie or Habitat's ReStore with
some of your stuff.


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