The review of "Market in the Middle" by food critic Andrea Clurfeld in  the 
Asbury Park Press caused quite a stir recently, especially in the  TriCity 
News:  See Dan Jacobson's "The Bitch is back!" message of  Jan. 25 and Tommy 
DeSeno's "Wussification" article of February 15.
If you followed that episode, and especially if you are in the  restaurant 
business, you may be interested in a full page ad taken by a NYC  
Jeffrey Chodorow, in response to a "zero stars" review given to  his 
restaurant, the "Kobe Club," by the NYT food critic, Frank Bruni.   (Chodorow 
owned "Rocco's" and "Caviar & Banana.")
Full ad:  _ 
Excerpt:  "Why then, one might ask, did I need to take out this  full-page 
ad? For two reasons. First, and foremost, you need to understand that,  as 
happens, the intended target (in this case, me) does not get injured -  
innocent bystanders do. I have been too successful and battle-hardened to be  
affected by this, but my restaurant staff, who are some of the nicest, most  
hard-working people I have ever worked with are affected, and they deserve an  
apology. They have created a great restaurant, and you should have critics on  
staff that celebrate and support the efforts of people who work in New York  
in one of the most difficult and demanding industries there  is. Criticize, 
but do it fairly, honestly and objectively and  through people with 
like the three bona fide critics listed  above.
I have no self-interest in any of the above, but I do have great admiration  
and respect those who have taken risks by opening businesses in Asbury  Park.  
The full text of the ad referenced above contains strategies and  rhetoric 
which are models for dealing with unfair or mean-spirited  "reviews."
If you can't access the ad from the link provided, private email me.
"Any critic is entitled to wrong judgments, of course. But certain lapses  of 
judgment indicate the radical failure of an entire  sensibility."        -  
Susan  Sontag
Bon appétit!
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