Hi All,

As per a suggestion from someone in here, I'm going to, at least for now, drop the Shelter Topic.

It's become VERY obvious that this Group is dominated by People that are close to 100% Pro-Development and Pro-Asbury Partners. It's also clear that most people in here also resent, or hate, Afro-Americans, also!

One thing is for sure, out of the regular posters here, the only one who made ANY type of positive statement about my intentions or for the Real "People" of Asbury Park was David Petrovich, who I met last year while Campaigning for Brian Unger. Thanks David!  David's also not afraid to hide his Identity, as 95% of you do, because he can stand up for his beliefs with his Character, something many of you are very short on.

As far as the Economy goes, a bunch of loser morons lost their shirts in 1987-88 because they refused to even consider to listen to people similar to myself, or professional economists, of which there are MANY.  And Lyndon LaRouche, despite Mario's incorrect remarks, is both an Expert Economist, and a person who wants to see the United States rebuild it's Infrastructure and Resources which made us number 1 in the World in the first place. We have recently sunk from number 3 to number 20 in everything you can rate us by, with Education being the saddest of all!

WHEN the economy Collapses within no more than 18 Months, probably this October, I hope that those of you who bought houses here in AP "On Speculation" get a dose of Reality, when your homes drop in Value overnight by from 30-55%!  Mind you, the entire Country is going to take a major hit, so you won't be alone!  But the Dreams of the Real Estate Market prices just continually rising are OVER!

Besides the US having a $17 Trillion National Debt (Actually, more now), as per the US Comptroller under Bush, there are even more serious problems, some of which I don't even understand totally.  One, that I was reading about, is that Allan Greenspan was using (And Fueling) the recent Real Estate Boom to cover up the still existing severe monetary problems from the 1987-90 period, when President  Reagan sat over the biggest money disaster since 1929 in the US. But in 1929, or after, Franklin Roosevelt came up with Programs to save the US, while Bush is currently digging our hole deeper and deeper. And the "Bubble" as what we're in now, is about to Pop again, as it did in the years 87-88, followed by a 5 year Recession!

We are in a period of Hyperinflation, and I'll quote LaRouche's article entitled "A Flood of Funds, the Central Bank Feeds it":

For 2005 as a whole, the futures prices of the basket of 14 primary commodities inflated by 27.3%, then in just the first quarter of 2006, they inflated by another 22.2%, and in April 2006 (Just 19 days of April), by another 14.9%

The modern era's model for this accelerating inflation-hyperinflation-is 1923 Weismar Germany, particularly the June- November Period of that year which ended with Reichmarks losing their value entirely.

The driver for this hyperinflationary process is hedge funds and commodity index funds pouring speculative money in, irrespective of any "fundamentals" of supply or demand.   (there's more after that you can read on LaRouche's Web Site)

It goes on ... Central Bank monetary emissions are fueling this bubble process, the extreme point shown in Figure 3 of LaRouche's "Triple Curve collapse Function". (On Web Site .. I don't have the whole Adobe Program, so I cannot cut and paste things!) As LaRouche notes, the US Federal reserve , from it's March 23 weekly report on, suddenly suppressed public release of information on it's broadcast money-supply measure, know as M3, although acknowledging that the Fed is, of course, still gathering and computing this information.

Anyway, what LaRouche says in very technical terms is that we are in a period of Hyperinflation, being supported, as well as hidden, by our Government!  This Hyperinflation, which has collapsed already in the Real Estate and Stock Markets, is now being diverted into Commodities, which will finally destabilize our economy totally, as happened in 1987!

Alan Greenspan, former head of the federal reserve, was using the Hyperinflation and over blown Real Estate Market ... The money it generated ..... To Launder the problems underlying the entire US Monetary System, which is at a point of collapse now. Ross Perot even pointed this stuff out when he was running in 1992!

Anyway, sorry, but you folks are leading immoral lives by making all of your quick  "speculative" profits at the expense of persecuting the Blacks, and you obviously not only don't HAVE a Conscience, but you've also brainwashed yourselves SO well, that you actually Believe what you do, think & say is "A-OK".  I feel sorry for you!

But, the Collapse will be real soon, and obviously you will NOT be ready, because you've gotten Drunk over all of the recent "Windfalls" you've made. So when it Does happen, I will derive great pleasure in seeing all of you brought down several notches, or maybe becoming Bankrupt entirely!

Don't expect answers to all of your replies, because Respect isn't a word in your Vocabulary, and I don't give it when I don't receive it, especially when myself and my friends are belittled and abused.

Take your Falls like real Men & Women!

Oh, if anyone wants to rread about what's happening, go to http://www.larouchepac.com/, then click on
The U.S. Economic Recovery Act of 2006 (Or if it works from here) . Then, the Article I was referring to is "A Flood of Funds, the Central bank Feeds it"



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