Just plain wrong.......the reason the people do not come to meetings is because the old council either choose not to listen or not capable of thinking out side the box.
Most people who are regulars do not complain about the remarks from the audiences, but the faces and stares from the council. Most new comers cannot believe what happens in the meetings. Tape the meetings.
The city manager knows how to act professional. He never made noise or remarks to inflame the audiences. Even Keady and Johnson hold their cool. Keady and Johnson have excellent people skills.
The council still needs to learn the Roberts Rules of Order. I used them. Follow the rules, everybody feels equal,and still be friends after the meetings. Respect goes both ways?
What does the council learn at the League of Municipalities Conference? The mayor goes to the Black Mayors Conference. Lofferdo went to the Gay Leaders Conferences. The truth be told the council is better now than ever. They look professional. Less disruptions than ever before.
Most of the noise comes when the taxpayers are not getting a fair deal.
Stop wasting tax dollars.

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