November 25, 2007
A Shift, but for Some Drivers, a Vicious Circle

Wall Township

“GO, go, go,” shouted Narendra Khichi from inside his truck parts shop, urging a white sedan that had stopped outside his window in the middle of the traffic circle where Routes 33 and 34 meet. “Go, wherever you want to go, but just go.”

This kind of armchair traffic controlling has become a daily source of entertainment and frustration for Mr. Khichi and others affected by this busy route in central Monmouth County who find themselves facing yet another configuration of roads, courtesy of the New Jersey Department of Transportation.

The latest design — and one of the new buzzwords in traffic management — is a roundabout. Imported from Europe, this smaller, more simplified version of the loathed traffic circle is gaining popularity among transportation officials not only in New Jersey but also around the country as a way of slowing traffic down and reducing the number of accidents.

While not unique to New Jersey, traffic circles — along with another famed New Jersey road design, the jughandle — are the bane of many drivers’ existence. First introduced to the state in 1925, the traffic circle, or rotary, concept was meant to keep traffic flowing by allowing cars to pass through an intersection in a circular motion without stopping.

Back then, when roads were less congested and drivers were more polite, it worked. Not so today. Lengthy backups on roads leading into the circles and accidents are commonplace.

Over the last several years, the Department of Transportation has been on a mission to eliminate circles statewide, as resources become available, said Erin Phalon, a spokeswoman for the department. Where once there were 44 traffic circles on state roads (and 25 to 30 on county and local roads), now there are just 25 circles on state roads, and several of them are slated for elimination.

In some cases, the circle is being straightened out, replaced by a regular intersection with traffic lights, as at Routes 30 and 130 in Collingswood in Camden County, or by an intersection with contiguous jughandles, as at the old Berlin Circle at Routes 30 and 73, also in Camden County.

A third alternative — which is generally less costly and involves acquiring less land — has been to transform the circles into roundabouts, which tend to be smaller and with fewer lanes. And here is where a new set of problems begins.

“It was the biggest mistake,” said Kristen Van Dunk, a clerk at the Exxon gas station that sits on the Route 33/34 roundabout in Wall. “Now that they’ve changed it, nobody knows who’s supposed to go where and when.”

Ms. Van Dunk said she had witnessed numerous accidents since the roundabout opened in June, including a serious one in mid-November after which “the police spent an hour cleaning up glass after a guy was rear-ended.”

That accident was caused by a drunken driver, according to Capt. Tim Clayton of the Wall Township Police Department, who said that “no engineering in the world can stop a drunk.”

While minor accidents still occur regularly, Captain Clayton said there had been a slight reduction in the overall number of accidents (to 36 from June to September, down from 40 in the same period in 2006) and a drastic drop in severe accidents at the site, which was a primary goal in replacing the circle with a roundabout.

Another goal, to improve traffic flow, by all accounts has not been met, with drivers complaining that backups at the circle are worse than before.

One problem stems from the fact that the generally unwritten rules governing traffic circles run opposite those governing roundabouts.

With roundabouts, those entering are supposed to yield to those already in the roundabout, who have the right-of-way. For traffic circles, the rules are a little more ambiguous, with the advantage going to what is deemed the dominant roadway.

The New Jersey Driver Manual published by the Department of Transportation does not do much to clear up the confusion. “There are not set rules for driving into, around and out of a traffic circle in New Jersey,” the manual states. “Common sense and precaution must prevail at all times.”

Another hitch is that the modern roundabout is typically a tight, one- lane loop that forces drivers to drop down to 25 miles per hour in the circle. That works well in slowing down traffic on local roads but not so well when the feeder roads are four-lane highways with cars traveling at 50 m.p.h., as is the case in Wall. The road there narrows to one lane through about half the circle.

(In a Federal Highway Administration policy paper on roundabouts, published in 2000, the agency suggests that single-lane roundabouts serve areas where the number of daily cars passing through does not exceed 26,000. The Route 33/34 roundabout, part of which is two lanes, averages 35,000 to 40,000 cars a day, Ms. Phalon said.)

Mayor James Maley of Collingswood said he finds himself on both ends of the road debate. On the one hand, he is thrilled that the dangerous and constantly flooded circle at Routes 130 and 30 in his town is finally being replaced with a straight intersection, a project he said had been in the works for more than 20 years. On the other hand, he serves as redevelopment counsel to Glassboro Township, where the state is proposing a new roundabout on Route 322, just outside Rowan University’s campus.

“I have one meeting with the D.O.T. about the roundabout in Glassboro, while they’re spending a gazillion dollars to eliminate the Collingswood Circle,” Mayor Maley said. (The actual cost estimate is $36.8 million, according to the Department of Transportation, with $41.2 million more for work on connecting roads and other aspects of the project.) “At broad brush, it may seem a conflict, but in reality it’s not. It’s a good fit for a place like Glassboro, but I can understand how it’s a problem on a major highway.”

Several miles north of Wall, at the entrance to Brookdale Community College in Lincroft on Route 520, the state has installed another roundabout — one of more than a dozen the Department of Transportation is looking at building throughout New Jersey over the next few years.

Despite some initial reservations, Stephen Nacco, executive director of college relations at Brookdale, called the new roundabout, which replaced a regular traffic signal intersection in August, “an unqualified success.”

That is not how Mr. Nacco would describe the Wall roundabout.

“That is a deathtrap,” he said. “I drive through it once a week, and I am terrified.”

Ms. Phalon said the Department of Transportation was closely monitoring the Wall site “to determine if additional signage or other adjustments are needed.”

Meanwhile, she suggested that “motorists may need to modify their driving behavior to adjust to the new pattern.”

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