A year after Kelo
By Linda Chavez

Feb 22, 2006

As anniversaries go, this one might not be up there on your list of 
memorable dates, but it should be. One year ago this week, the 
Supreme Court heard arguments in a case that someday may affect your 
life in a devastating way: Kelo v. City of New London. 

The case involved eminent domain -- the power of the government to 
seize private property, ostensibly for public use. I say ostensibly 
because the Court's 5-4 decision significantly expanded the power of 
local governments to take whatever homes, businesses, even farms 
from private parties and give them to other private parties to build 
offices, luxury condos and hotels -- or pretty much whatever else 
the new owners (or in some cases leaseholders) choose to do with the 

Although the home and business owners whose property is taken 
receive compensation, it is often well below true market value 
because they have no choice in whether to sell once the government 
has exercised eminent domain. While eminent domain makes sense when 
it is used to clear the way for such things as railroads or 
utilities, it's hard to see how the "public use" requirement 
embodied in the Fifth Amendment is satisfied when, as former Justice 
Sandra Day O'Connor noted in her dissent, the government is simply 
replacing a Motel 6 with a Ritz-Carlton. 
The Court's decision in Kelo sparked considerable controversy and 
may be the one recent public policy debate that united many 
conservatives and liberals. Conservatives generally don't like 
government interfering in private transactions anyway, and the 
thought that a city or county could decide to condemn otherwise 
sound property in order to increase tax revenue by replacing it with 
a more valuable property strikes many conservatives as a good 
example of the rapacious appetite of Big Government. 

Liberals, on the other hand, see this as government choosing the 
wealthy over the poor and middle class, Big Business triumphing over 
the Common Man, whites displacing blacks and other minorities. 
Ironically, though, most of the Supreme Court justices who sided 
with New London, Conn., in allowing the city to condemn 15 homes in 
a waterfront neighborhood in order to allow a developer to build a 
luxury hotel, condos and office buildings were from the liberal wing 
of the Court. Former Chief Justice Rehnquist and Justices Scalia and 
Thomas joined O'Connor in dissenting from their more liberal peers, 
Justices Stevens, Souter, Ginsburg and Breyer, with Justice Kennedy, 
often a swing vote, joining the liberals this time. One of my 
liberal friends wrote me the day the decision was handed down both 
amused and confused that she found herself on the same side of the 
argument with Justice Thomas instead of Justice Ginsburg. 

This type of strange bedfellows reaction has spurred a new coalition 
of groups fighting eminent domain abuse in the wake of Kelo. The 
NAACP, the League of United Latin American Citizens and the National 
Council of Churches have joined with the Institute for Justice 
(which represented plaintiffs in the original Kelo case), the Farm 
Bureau and the National Federation of Independent Businesses, among 
others, to form the Castle Coalition, a grass-roots organization 
that hopes to stop eminent domain abuses in local communities. 

Some 43 state legislatures have passed or will soon consider eminent 
domain reform, including Alabama and Texas, which specifically 
limited the kind of development scheme allowed by Kelo. Even Justice 
Stevens, who wrote the majority opinion, said shortly after the 
decision that he thinks exercising eminent domain merely for 
economic development is bad public policy and hopes legislatures 
will find a political solution. "My own view is that the free play 
of market forces is more likely to produce acceptable results in the 
long run than the best-intentioned plans of public officials," he 
said, noting that if he had been a legislator instead of a justice, 
he would have opposed what the city did in the Kelo case.

Unlike some Supreme Court decisions, the worst effects of Kelo can 
be limited if the citizenry acts. Unless states move quickly to stop 
the misuse of eminent domain, no one's home, farm or business will 
be safe from greedy government officials and big developers looking 
to make a killing at ordinary citizens' expense.

Linda Chavez is Chairman of the Center for Equal Opportunity, a 
Townhall.com partner organization, and the author of Betrayal: How 
Union Bosses Shake Down Their Members and Corrupt American Politics.

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