Following are some remarks sent to the GLH group and my response to them.  Jeannie has granted me permission to forward her remarks here:
...The same people who complain the major landmarks were "given" away are the same people who have seen sizeable appreciation in their homes and investment properties over the last 4 years. Although I am not a "long time" resident as some of our favorite local pundits love to say, I have seen appreciations in my investments and home beyond my wildest expectation. Same goes for the redevelopment areas. I do remember when NO ONE wanted to bid on the casino, and other "beloved" properties. That was then . This is now. The reason it now seems these properties that no one would touch are worth something, is because we have ACTIVE development plans down at the beach. And we should thank the current council (and Kate Mellina) for that. Is it perfect? Maybe not. Eminent domain is a big problem. But that can be corrected and should be. Otherwise, that area was depressed and hopeless. And yes, I believe the tax rebates are the cost of doing business. Am I unhappy my taxes are going up? Yes. But as more businesses and homes come in with better rateables I hope things will get better.    CAFRA, Historical implications of buildings, zoning, architectural  rendering agreements, have delayed the water front as much as anything else. How can the developers start when we won't approve a rendering for the project? The developers carrying costs must be tremendous on property they have been delayed on improving.
    Finally, I beleive a council member should be a homeowner. Not just a resident. I also believe that while I will listen to any perspective, I weigh more heavily if a person votes here, and resides and owns here.
    It is with these criteria that I can not listen too seriously to any candidate or "pundit" who lacks the requirements. They in fact, are not vested like me. I believe the current council is as vested as I am. I back the APAC endorsements. And I will vote for those candidates. Not because APAC says that is the right vote. But because it is the right vote. They did their homework. I did mine. 
508 Monroe #3F
516 Sewall Ave
1304 3rd Ave
(vested in AP for the future)
Wow, Jeannie your remarks are right on!
Your "cut-to-the-chase" incisive responses, item by item, to the complainers knocked me over.  I even printed it out to use as a cheat sheet for the next two days.
BTW, I am a homeowner also, not just a resident, but thanks for implying that the phrase "long-time resident" may be annoying by now to some of you newbies.  I'll try to avoid using it in the future: If all the new faces in town have your insight, Asbury Park has a great future.

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