September 20, 2007

Effort to Shift Course in Iraq Fails in  Senate 
  and _CARL  HULSE_ 
WASHINGTON, Sept. 19 — A proposal that Democrats put forward as their best  
chance of changing the course of the _Iraq_ 
died on the Senate floor on Wednesday, as _Republicans_ 
e=nyt-org)   stood firmly with President Bush.  
With other war initiatives seemingly headed for the same fate, Senate  
Democrats, who only two weeks ago proclaimed September to be the month for  
course in Iraq, conceded that they had little chance of success. 
They said their strategy would now focus on portraying Republicans as  
opposing any change and on trying to chip away support for the White House as  
war continued.  
The proposal that failed Wednesday fell 4 votes short of the 60 needed to  
prevent a filibuster and would have required that troops be given as much time  
at home as they had spent overseas before being redeployed. 
There were 56 votes in favor, including 6 Republicans — one fewer than the 7  
Republicans who joined the Democrats in July, when the measure, by Senator 
_Jim  Webb_ 
 , Democrat of Virginia, also fell 4 votes 
Supporters of Mr. Bush’s war strategy declared victory, saying they had  
firmly beaten back legislative efforts to change course.  
“It means that Congress will not intervene in the foreseeable future,” said  
Senator _Joseph  I. Lieberman_ 
  of Connecticut, 
the Independent who has voted with the  Republicans on war issues. “The fact 
that it didn’t get enough votes says that  Congress doesn’t have the votes to 
stop this strategy of success from going  forward.” 
The Senate vote was a crucial test of the war plan that Mr. Bush put forward  
last week, calling for only gradual reductions in troop levels in Iraq from  
their current high, and leaving intact by next summer a main body of more than 
 130,000 troops, about the same number as last February.  
The outcome showed that the strong opposition to the war plan by Democrats  
and a few Republicans remained insufficient to overcome a powerful Republican  
minority in the Senate that has succeeded all year in staving off challenges 
to  the war policy. 
For now, the failed Webb proposal is the closest Democrats have come to  
bipartisan legislation that would force Mr. Bush to change his strategy. And  
Republicans solidly behind the plan outlined by Mr. Bush and Gen. _David  H. 
 , the commander in Iraq, Democrats have 
retreated to a firm  antiwar stance.  
They are no longer entertaining the kind of compromise measures that some  
Democrats had proposed this month as an attempt to woo Republican defectors, 
 they said they would instead seek opportunities to hold votes that would 
more  starkly contrast Republican support for the president with Democrats’ 
demands  for withdrawal.  
“The Republican leadership and the White House is getting them all to march  
in line,” said Senator _Charles  E. Schumer_ 
Democrat of New York, who ranks third in the party leadership.  “But it is 
marching further and further away from where America is. We just keep  at it. 
all we can do.”  
Democratic strategists and party officials said that Senator _Harry  Reid_ 
ml?inline=nyt-per)  of Nevada, the majority leader, and his colleagues 
decided to stop  trying to strike a deal with Republicans after they found 
interest on the  other side and could not settle on a plan that would appeal to 
Republicans but  was tough enough to hold Democrats together.  
Jim Manley, a spokesman for Mr. Reid, said the majority leader was rebuffed  
repeatedly in his efforts to find consensus with the Republicans.  
“It became evident that Republicans were not willing to break with the  
president,” he said.  
Democrats said Mr. Webb’s proposal, if approved, would have added time  
between deployments, forced the withdrawal of troops on a substantially swifter 
timeline and, they said, protect troops from serving protracted and 
On Thursday and Friday, the Senate is expected to vote on several other war  
proposals by the Democrats, including one by Senator _Russ  Feingold_ 
html?inline=nyt-per) , Democrat of Wisconsin, that would require most 
American troops to  be pulled out of Iraq by next June and would then cut 
for continuing  military operations.  
Another proposal by Senator _Carl  Levin_ 
  of Michigan, 
chairman of the Armed Services Committee, would require a  shift of American 
troops away from combat by next summer. Mr. Reid’s spokesman  said the 
decision to stick with a hard deadline for withdrawal was endorsed by  Mr. 
Levin, who 
earlier had signaled a willingness to soften his proposal to win  Republican 
Neither the Feingold plan nor the Levin initiative has much chance of winning 
 60 votes.  
The Senate will also vote on a plan by Senator _Joseph  R. Biden Jr._ 
html?inline=nyt-per) , Democrat of Delaware and chairman of the Foreign 
Relations  Committee, that calls for a greater reliance on diplomacy to forge a 
political  solution in Iraq and end the war.  
But Democrats seemed resigned to having little chance of influencing the war  
strategy anytime soon.  
After the vote, a dejected Mr. Webb said: “You are seeing, as of a week ago,  
the administration and some of the leading Republicans in here talking about, 
 ‘Hey it’s O.K. that we’re going to be in Iraq for the next 50 years.’ I don
’t  think it is O.K.”  
He continued: “And so we are going to have this debate. It is going to be a  
long and emotional debate, long meaning in months and perhaps years.”  
Mr. Webb’s plan came under sharp attack by the Pentagon, which said it would  
interfere with complex troop deployment schedules, and late last week the  
administration put intense pressure on Republican lawmakers when it became 
 that Mr. Webb was close to securing enough Republican votes to win.  
And it was dealt a death blow when Senator _John  W. Warner_ 
timestopics/people/w/john_w_warner/index.html?inline=nyt-per) , Mr. Webb’s 
fellow Virginian, and one of the most respected  
Republican voices on military affairs, announced dramatically on the Senate  
that he was withdrawing his support for the proposal based on information  
provided by Defense Secretary _Robert  M. Gates_ 
other senior military officials.  
“I endorsed it,” Mr. Warner said of Mr. Webb’s plan. “I intend now to cast 
a  vote against it.” 
In explaining his decision, Mr. Warner said he had been convinced, at a  
meeting earlier in the day with senior military officials, that the Webb plan  
would cause havoc for the armed forces, potentially lengthening tours in Iraq.  
He also met with Mr. Gates, a longtime friend, on Monday.  
But Mr. Warner’s change in position echoed a wider unwillingness by  
Republicans to break ranks with the administration.  
The two Republican senators running for president — _John  McCain_ 
ne=nyt-per)  of Arizona and _Sam  Brownback_ 
Kansas — voted against the Webb proposal. Four Democratic  candidates — 
 Rodham Clinton_ 
  of New York, _Barack  
  of Illinois, Mr. Biden and _Christopher  J. Dodd_ 
dd/index.html?inline=nyt-per)  of Connecticut — voted for it.  
The continuing partisan divide frustrated some moderate lawmakers in each  
party who are eager to help shape Iraq policy and signal to constituents that  
they are working to end the war. 
Mr. Reid traveled on Monday to New York City to help raise money for antiwar  
groups, and while Democrats remain under substantial pressure from those 
groups,  Mr. Manley and others said that event was scheduled weeks ago and had 
bearing  on the legislative change of tack. 
Senator _Lindsey  Graham_ 
 , Republican of South 
Carolina, who worked to defeat the Webb plan,  said the Republican support for 
the war could have a political cost. “The  Republicans own this war,” he said. “
If it goes bad, the nation loses and the  Republican Party loses 
disproportionately compared to the Democratic Party.” 

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