Hi all,

Monmouth County Friends of Clearwater is hosting the Clearwater Festival in 
Asbury Park this weekend. The festival includes environmental booths and 
organizations, lots of great music, activities and a variety of food.  This 
year the keynote speaker will be Lois Gibbs, the famous Love Canal mom turned 
activist after finding out that her neighborhood was built on toxic waste. 
She is speaking on Saturday, August 16th at 3:30pm. Prior to the keynote, she 
will be part of an environmental justice roundtable at 1:30pm. The roundtable 
will be more intimate and interactive. Ed Dlugosz, coordinator of the festival, 
has asked me to encourage you to attend.
The festival asks for a $10 donation at the door, $3 if you are a student 
or senior.
Hope you are all enjoying this beautiful summer!
The website for the festival is www.mcclearwater.org
To read more about Lois Gibbs click on www.chej.org


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