I think in the spirit of what TOM and DAN said, Weldon was asked to return his pension and the $65,000.00 of over payments to the city treasury. The press has run many articles about cutting off pensions to civil servants caught breaking the law. Weldon could afford to buy some redemption.  


The Partners may want to pony up matching funds since, according to Kate & Jimmy, Weldon was the clever negotiator at the redevelopment contract talks, and perhaps Aaron can run a firehouse fund raiser like the one he ran for Weldon’s defense a few years ago.  If the firehouse is still short on funds, the city manager can sell (bond) the air rights over city hall and the streets to help pay for the new firehouse? 


Then someone from the old boys club will, no doubt, suggest that the firehouse should be dedicated to Weldon. After all it was his political machine that helped get the old council elected (the future starts here).  This in turn helped the Partners redefine A P’s future. Is Weldon’s vision still reshaping A P?


Naming the building after Weldon is not a bad idea, because the old boys club still don't think he did any thing wrong in A P. This will also help the new beachfront community better remember the man that made their new home possible.

Ocean has 3. Wanamassa with (2) houses - the original plus a nice
new one they built  - in the center of town, taking out ratables
The new  Wanamassa firehouse is great focal point for that community. The building is excellent condition, well kept, and location that represents community pride. Didn't Mr Weldon help secure that building? Mr. Weldon still enjoys lots of support in Ocean Township. Others are still asking when will he go to jail.
 > YOu gonna throw out a union? In AP?
> Doubt out.
Why pick on unions, our standard of living is as high as it is because of collective bargaining.
I'm not a union member. The fact is most union workers have better work skills than most of the labor force. If you are complaining about civil service workers, than you have to shift your focus to the city officials. As for fire dept. and police dept., their unions keep the standards high, for your protection. 
This small city needs a paid professional fire department. It's the city officials lack of responsibility that the firehouse happens to looks the way it does. AP firehouse is a handsome building. Restoration and upgrading the building  would best define community spirit and pride. It's location is fine.

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