In a message dated 10/24/2007 1:03:21 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Do  some research into the success of Rudy Giuliani cleaning up  NYC.
I had a part time share in NYC during those years and was astonished by the  
overall improvement in quality of life issues that occurred then.  It's  
almost a cliche now.
The debate still rages as to whether the Broken Window Theory he applied  was 
the primary cause:  
( .
I did appreciate the cleaned up subways and summonses given for littering  
etc; but I didn't understand the uproar over the crusade against jaywalking -- 
 guess because I mainly used the subways or just walked.
In Asbury Park, I don't feel intimidated by the jaywalkers-- just annoyed;  
but I suspect such behaviors do keep away some of the people businesses here 
are  looking to attract.
Quality of life issues need attention here -- that is, some leadership and  a 
very visible public education campaign.
NW neighborhoods are relatively tidy, but I've noticed that visitors  
entering and leaving via Sunset Avenue often throw litter from their car  
I'll bet they wouldn't do the same traveling through Allenhurst  and other 
surrounding towns.  I know you can be stopped in those  communities for 
cigarette butts out your window.


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