Was "Jackie the Nose" vacationing in AP?
County  detectives are swarming all over t...What I thought odd was that 
there was  only one Asbury Park Police vehicle, ...
Usually, when an event happens you  see multiple police cruisers on the scene.
Anyone have any details on  this?

22 minutes ago  >>>   _Big Mob  Sweep Nets Gambino Hierarchy - New York 
Times_ (http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/nyregion/07cnd-mob.html?hp)  
Federal and state authorities early Thursday began rounding up scores of  
accused organized crime figures on a series of indictments charging murder,  
racketeering, construction extortions and other crimes in the largest such 
in recent memory, law enforcement officials said. 
More than 60 people — among them the entire _Gambino_ 
nline=nyt-per)  family hierarchy and reputed figures from the  Genovese and 
Bonanno families — are named in two indictments, along with union  and 
construction industry officials, the law enforcement officials said. 
By about 10 a.m., 52 people were already in custody, including the family’s  
acting underboss, Domenico Cefalu, and consigliere, Joseph Corozzo, the  
officials said. The acting boss, who prosecutors identified as John D’Amico,  
as Jackie the Nose, was not yet in custody and several officials said he  was 
believed to be on vacation. 
The arrests are to be announced later this morning at a news conference at  
the office of United States Attorney Benton J. Campbell in Brooklyn.  
The charges, which are being brought in United States District Court in  
Brooklyn and state Supreme Court in Queens, also include seven murders — three  
dating back more than a quarter century — along with racketeering, extortion 
 state gambling charges, officials said. 
The arrests by the _F.B.I._ 
 and investigators from several other agencies  were coordinated with a sweep 
that netted dozens of accused organized crime  figures in Sicily. Those 
charges are not directly linked to the New York  arrests, but officials said 
were part of a new American-Italian strategy  aimed at severing the close 
cooperative relationship between the Gambino family  and the Sicilian mob. 
In addition to Mr. D’Amico, Mr. Cefalu and Mr. Corozzo, the 82-count federal  
indictment charges six Gambino captains, who serve as the family’s midlevel  
managers, along with more than a dozen soldiers, officials said. A large 
number  of family associates are also being charged. 
The construction extortion aspects of investigation, which began more than  
three years ago, focused on the trucking industry, which hauls away dirt  
excavated from major construction projects, officials said. Several union  
officials were also charged in a scheme to steal union benefits. 
Among those charged was Anthony Delvescovo, a project manager and director of 
 tunnel operations for Schiavone Construction Company, a heavy construction 
firm  that has worked on major public works projects in the New York area, 
according  to the indictment. 
Four trucking company executives, from companies including SRD Contracting,  
Firehawk Enterprises, Jo-Tap Industries, Andrews Trucking and Dump Masters of 
NY  Inc., were also charged. 
The trucking firms were licensed by the city’s Business Integrity Commission, 
 an agency which polices private carting companies and businesses that haul  
construction debris. The commission, which also had a role in the 
investigation,  was expected to move to revoke the companies’ licenses today. 
The construction projects cited in the case include a _Nascar_ 
stock_car_auto_racing/index.html?inline=nyt-org)  track in Staten Island, 
where site preparation  work was done but which was never completed because 
racing officials scuttled  the plan in the face of community opposition, 
Also the subject of extortions was the Liberty View Harbor project in Jersey  
City, the officials said. 
The seven murders include five that prosecutors are charging were committed  
by one Gambino soldier, Charles Carneglia, between 1976 and 1990, officials  
said. The first was the slaying of Arthur Gelb, a highly decorated court 
officer  who arrested Mr. Carneglia in a Queens dinner after noticing he was 
carrying a  pistol. Mr. Gelb was shot four days before he was to testify 
against Mr.  
Carneglia in that case.  
The last killing was an armored car guard, Jose Delgado Rivera, an armored  
car guard who was shot in the back during a robbery, the officials said. 
The federal case, which was investigated by the F.B.I. along with the _United 
States Department of Labor_ 
 , the 
Waterfront  Commission, the State Organized Crime Task Force, among other 
was  based on hundreds of hours of secretly recorded conversations made by a  
construction executive who had gained the confidence of crime family members,  
officials said.

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