Published in the APP on January 6, 2004


To the Editor:


John Loffredoâs recent editorial â$400,000 land sale bringing much more to Asburyâ (APP January 4, 2005) is par for the course for Loffredo in his tenure as an Asbury Park Councilman.  Loffredoâs flawed explanation of the land grab that was passed off as a legitimate sale of city-owned oceanfront assets should raise a flurry of red flags for those truly concerned about the redevelopment of Asbury Park. 


How can John Loffredo say that the fire sale of our cityâs remaining oceanfront assets is above "market value" when there was never an independent appraisal to determine the value of any properties sold (or rather given) to Asbury Partners on the waterfront?  Also, his claim that the developer has committed to rehabilitate the Casino and Power Plant to state historic preservation standards is significantly misleading.  Most of the Casino is slated for demolition and a "similar" building will be put in its place. 
The logic he presents for the sale of both the Triangle parcel and the Casino Complex begs some clear questions.  Most importantly, what is the limit to the benefits to be gained by Asbury Partners under the current redevelopment agreement?  Using Councilman Loffredo's logic one may assume that the entire rest of the town could be given to Asbury Partners at the price they decide.  Why?  Because Asbury Partners built a meandering boardwalk?  A boardwalk that provides access to property that they were given at a superficially low price without an appraisal! 

Loffredo attempts to allay the legitimate concerns of the citizens by sharing with us that âas a condition of the sale, Asbury Partners must also supply and install four 20-foot gazebos and approximately 60 benches on the boardwalk, add decorative lighting fixtures at city-designated locations and expand the width of the existing boardwalk from the northern edge of Sixth Avenue to the northern edge of Seventh Avenue.â  Can Councilman Loffredo provide firm dates for these deliverables?  Or will this work be added to the growing list of Asbury Partners uncompleted tasks? Asbury Partners has missed countless deadlines, (including significant payments to the City), and in three years they have yet to develop or redevelop any properties.  

What needs to be drawn out here is that John Loffredo is attempting to have this community believe that selling an oceanfront lot for $400,000 was a good deal for the citizens of Asbury Park.  The fact is that one would struggle to find a house for $400,000 anywhere in Asbury Park right now, let alone oceanfront property.  In his rhetorical shell game, Loffredo unsuccessfully tries to mask the horrific truth that he agreed to sell a parcel of land that will make Asbury Partners millions of dollars while the City was, and continues to be, significantly short-changed.   
Let us be clear, we are enthusiastically FOR the redevelopment of Asbury Park.  But we are against the beggar mentality that permeates the thoughts and actions of the majority of the City Council, Loffredo included.  Asbury Park has no reason to be desperate: we have the ONLY undeveloped mile of oceanfront on the entire East Coast!  Our City Council must stop its reckless appeasement of every whim of Asbury Partners as we have far too much to offer to any true real estate developer and we should refuse to settle for anything less than a fair deal. 
In the entirety of his editorial, Loffredo is right about only one thing.  It is an election year and we should look at the facts. 
Jim Keady and Mark Tyler
Mr. Keady is a resident and small business owner in Asbury Park.  Mr. Tyler is a property owner in Asbury Park and a real estate lawyer for the City of New York

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