I'm very sorry for your precious loss.  I know how much a pet means to the 
owners and the grieving process can be just as long for a pet as it would be 
for a beloved relative.  In fact, your pets are apart of your family, just as a 
child.  They cost just as much.  At least that is what I believe.  Just 
remember the good times and when possible get another pet to ease the pain if 
you can. 
      I know from where I speak. And I hope my story will bring you comfort in 
your time of loss. 
      I too had to bury 2 precious pixi bobs since Dec.   The medical bills are 
huge, but I tried to comfort each of them because they brought me much joy, 
laughter and love into my life for years.  And any thing I could have done to 
let them know how much they meant to me was my pleasure.  
     We had a very nice painless passing because each of us knew we did all we 
could have done.  I brought her home from the hospital on my birthday to be 
with her family.  And when it was time, my Precious Sheba took her last walk 
from the dinning room into the kitchen, said her goodbyes, headed towards the 
door and died.  My heart jumped because I thought she was better.  It was such 
a courageous jester that she did to comfort me, I laughed, then cried.  
  Her kittens enjoyed fish, beef and chicken breast after the burial, licked 
their chops and  playing together gracefully, Even though they knew we would 
have to perform another ritual in a month.
     17 month old Eloise Precious Sheba, my late mother's name sake  never made 
a sound when it was her time.  She was strong enough to delay her death for a 
month.  She spent New Year's in hospital and when we found out she wasn't 
pregnant, we brought her home in hopes of a miracle. 
      On a diet of antibiotics, vitamines and chicken breast smoothies her last 
days were spent jumping up on my bed.  And EACH TIME SHE WAS SUCCESSFUL WITH 
HER JUMP, the look on her face was that of "NOT BAD FOR A DEAD GIRL."  I 
laughed with delight in hopes of defying the doctors last rites.
     But in the end, she just jumped up on my bed Monday night, laid in her 
basket and went to sleep.  I was so confident I'd have another day with her 
that I too slept like a baby only to wake up next to her cold little body.  I 
was amazed that she never uttered a sound so as not to awaken me to distress.  
I thanked her for her grand jester.  Her sisters had stir fry, chicken breast 
smoothies, licked their chops and are now playing gracefully...in hopes of not 
repeating this ritual again for a long, long time to come.
  Thank you for allowing me to share with you in your time of grief.

nferreira2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Hi Everyone. I'm posting this on behalf of Maxie's owners...


We have sad news, more than two months ago in mid-November we asked
for your help in finding our Maxie, we are writing today with the
final chapter. Maxie was found today in Deal Lake, only a few blocks
from where she went missing. From the appearance of her coat and body,
she had been in the water for quite some time.

We will always be grateful for your help (in actions, comforting
words, and prayer). 

While we are extremely hurt and pained by the news, we are grateful to
have closure.

Again, we can't thank you enough for all of your support and help.

Anthony N. & Rick
510 1st Ave

Anthony G.
600 8 th Av


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