There is no racism anymore its strictly those with money and those without. Didn't see any white faces in NOLA on TV, but they were there. You still have guys like Farrakhan, that recently claimed to have been beamed aboard a spinning wheel in space an spoke to Alijah Mohammed, saying that white people blew up the levies in NOLA.
Time this old fool retired.

asburyact <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My name is Eileen Sonnier.  I have been a member of this board for
several years. I have logged on to this board less and less within
the last year because I have become more and more disgusted with the
blatant racism and classism exhibited here.  I was chairperson of the
AP Zoning Board for several years.  The last year of my term there an
application came up for The Center.  This application took many
months to be heard.  Board members kept putting up ridiculous
roadblocks in the form of requests (demands) for changes to the
plans.  To these Board members' dismay, The Center complied with all
the demands.  That left these Board members no alternative.  They had
to come out in the open with their racist and classist comments. 
When I objected and made a statement against these comments, these
Board members were furious.  Needless to say, when my term was up, it
was up.  These same people still sit on many of the Boards of this
city.  Unfortunately, this tells us a lot about the mind set of many
who are in charge in this city.  As I grew up during the 60's, I knew
in my heart that the racism that I saw then would surely be gone by
the time my age group was "in charge".  Very sadly, this never
happened, it just lives on and on.  It is so, so sad.  I think,
though, that I am finally realizing that it will never change.  It is
built in and people refuse to see that it is there every day, in
every little thing. What has changed, though, is that the classism
has grown and is alive and well in Asbury Park now along with the
racism.  I still love Asbury Park and will continue to fight it
(racism and classism)in whatever way I can for my children and
grandchildren and our city's children and grandchildren.     

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