Hey Corey,
   How are you, wanted to tell you I ran the video of the Smart Group and will run it again in the new year, at Maureen's request. 
   Also, I think it's great that you are on this group holding your own with the big guys.  But what I think you will learn as you grow older, is that adults with experiences are sensitive people. 
    No one is trying to deny you your voice in support of Maureen.  We all love her, and believe it or not, even her critics too, in their own special ways, they love to hate her.  LOL  But it goes with the territory of free speach, like water on a duck's back.  Or to put it another way, the Chinese have a saying, the chicken who sticks its beak up first, gets the chop.
    Maureen's been in the business of journalism a long time.  She is a big girl and she knows big girls don't cry over spilled milk, they get even by squeezing the milk til it turns into cream. 
It's like wrestling with God, eventually you can get a half nelson on a full stomach. LOL 
   So Remember, you can't please all the people, all the time.  You can only do a good job and hope it makes others happy too.  Either way, it makes for good entertainment and possibly some good conversation too!

Corey Maccaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
All I'm trying to do is defend Maureen. She doesn't deserve to be subjected to this. All she ever tried to do was to make AP better and we need to appreciate that. 

Corey Maccaro
"Jersey City: You'll Wish You Were In Newark."
"Newark: You'll Wish You Were In Jersey City."
"Camden: You'll Wish You Didn't Carry Change In Alleyways."

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