In a message dated 3/24/2005 4:44:14 PM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
I don't think there has ever been a discussion on the list where it was said that Asbury Partners shouldn't make good money on the deal. 
I agree with Mark's statement.  It seems that perhaps too much focus is being placed here on Asbury Partners.  While I do fault them for what seems to be an absolute lack of concern for the common good, I do not hold them ultimately responsible for the direction the oceanfront redevelopment has taken.  They are trying to maximize their position. 
Our focus needs to be on our current council.  We need to ask the question - Did John Loffredo, Jim Bruno, Kevin Sanders, John Hamilton, Kate Melina (I think Ed should get a pass at this point) leverage as much possible weight as they could to get the best deal for the longterm interests of the city and its residents?  I believe that if one is fair in their assessment, the conclusion is no. 
I believe they lack(ed) the skill sets necessary for negotiations such as this, but more importantly, they lack(ed) the leadership ability to recognize their personal and professional shortcomings and seek the most competent outside professional help they could get to navigate these waters.  (i.e. appraisers, real-estate development experts, sound legal counsel, etc.)
Peace, Jim Keady

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