sandy writes:
-Go ahead Sharon, let him sue you. Because then he has to open all
his books to you. Then you'll see how much money his non-profits are
makeing with the conglomerote of Web sites and who knows what else
he's running down there. Did I hear silicone valley of the cloth?

The records of my ministry are already open.
I filed an action against The City of Long Branch and a Lawyer for Mal Practice.
It's  RLUIPA, Fair Housing, Civil Rights and Religious Liberties.
The case is in Federal Court.  When your involved in such a litigation you bear all before the Federal Court.
I would suggest you, as well choose your remarks cautiously.  Malicious assaults against bona fide organizations made in public are actionable.
And you also prove my point.  When you run out of intelligent things to say, or don't have anything intelligent to begin with you all tend to attack attack attack...
Bearing False Witness is an interesting characteristic.
I'll even provide proof,,,

(Lighthouse Institute for Evangelism v. City of Long Branch, Case No. 00-33366, U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey; Lighthouse Institute for Evangelism v. City of Long Branch, U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, Case No. 03-2343)



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