Friends of Asbury Park: 


I am writing to address recent posts on this message board referencing my
efforts to place security cameras in "hot spots" throughout the City.  As
you may recall, on June 13, 2007 I made a written request to City Manager
Reidy and Police Chief Kinmon to research this issue and bring a proposal to
the Council for us to consider and execute.  In response to this request,
City Manager Reidy and Police Chief Kinmon requested a minimum of two months
to gather the information necessary to prepare this proposal.  During each
City Council meeting following my initial request I have asked for updates
on this matter.  To date, Police Chief Kinmon has researched various
security camera systems and he or members of his staff have done site visits
to cities in North Jersey that have effective security camera systems in
place.  I am confident that by our September 19, 2007 City Council Meeting
Police Chief Kinmon will have a full proposal prepared for the Council to


To address some of the specific concerns raised on this board by Mr. Allan
Peterson about this matter:


1.      I am open to utilizing money from the community development fund to
partially finance the camera system.  I also discussed with Assemblyman Kean
at his August 6, 2007 press conference at the Westside Community Center, his
offer to secure funding from the state level to purchase the security
2.      It is important to note that regardless of what money is available
or what is in the proposal that Chief Kinmon delivers, I only have one vote.
As Deputy Mayor Bruno consistently reminds me, one needs three votes to make
any policy happen.  I have made my position clear on wanting to utilize
security cameras as a means to stem violent crime in our City.  I suggest
that Mr. Peterson's energies would be better spent on lobbying the other
members of Council for their support on this matter.  
3.      My offer to go out for a beer or coffee is still open to you Allan.
As I wrote in a personal email to you months ago, I think it would be
beneficial for us to get together so I can listen to all of the concerns
that you have and so that I can share with you my hopes and vision for
Asbury Park.  Just email or call (732.988.7322) and let me know when/where
you would like to get together.  


I hope this finds each of you well and enjoying this beautiful Labor Day!


Peace, JWK 


Councilman James W. Keady

1 Municipal Plaza

Asbury Park, NJ 07712

TEL: 732.502.5196




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