August 1, 2006
Contact:            Mamie Moore, Technical Assistant, Faith Based Subcommittee of the West Side Community Center’s Safe Kids Committee at (732)775-0857
Residents, Churches and Police Join Forces to Take Back the Neighborhood
Tuesday evening, August 1, 2006, the West Side Community Center’s Safe Kids Committee hosted a press conference and barbeque to kick off the creation of a neighborhood watch that is comprised of residents and pastors working in concert with the Asbury Park Police Department. All are coming together to take a stand against violence in the southwest section of Asbury Park.
The kick off of the Southwest Neighborhood Watch coincides with the National Night Out. The Southwest Neighborhood Watch is an outgrowth of the Faith Based Subcommittee of the West Side Community Center’s Safe Kids Coalition created this March to combat the increased violence on De Witt Avenue near the recreation center.
“Parents and youth have to feel safe, and more importantly, be safe in their neighborhood. It is unconscionable that parents have to think twice before letting their children play outside or walk to a neighborhood community center for fear of getting caught in the crossfire. We need to get guns off the streets and create and enforce stricter gun legislation,” remarked Susan Maynard, the Executive Director of the West Side Community Center.
“It’s also critical that the youth have access to the community center so that they have an opportunity to grow and develop. The creation of the neighborhood block watch is a crucial part of our plan to keep the center safe,” she continued.
Sgt. Amir Bercovitz of the Asbury Park Police provided, “It’s critical that the community takes the lead in this effort. The department is here to support the effort wholeheartedly.” Bercovitz was recently appointed to a special detail in the Community Relations and Crime Prevention Unit after the shootings in the area increased and community members began to organize.
Mamie Moore, a grandmother of youth participating in the Freedom School Summer Camp Program and Coordinator of the Asbury Park Civic Participation Project expressed, “The establishment of the Southwest Neighborhood Block Watch Program hails another move by the southwest community to facilitate and empower their ability and that of the southwest stakeholders to engage and impact the social, political and economic issues confronting the community.”
The center is located on DeWitt Avenue in Asbury Park and is currently courageously struggling to survive amidst the increased violence in the neighborhood. In the past year, two young African American males were shot and killed in front of the center due to increased gang activity. Several other youths in the neighborhood were shot and hospitalized. Throughout this crisis, the community center has remained open to provide family support and to promote the educational, physical, and social well being of children, and adults in an affordable, safe, and productive environment.
As an addict in the past I disrespected myself and family with addictions and abuse of all kinds.  As a person, daughter, mother, grandparent and friend I've seen many addictions and abuse of all kinds. In our communities and neighborhoods I'm seeing addictions and abuse of mankind. It saddens me to still see the addiction and the abuse in front of our children, all times.  Hopefully this phase will end and we can mend all ties. 
- Sapphire,  mother,  grandmother
The committee members of the Ridge & Bangs Revitalization Project and the Neighborhood Preservation Program (NPP) fully support the Southwest Neighborhood Block Watch.  Our members will be active participants working with others and the Asbury Park Police Department to reduce crime and improve the quality of life in our neighborhoods.  We will be steadfast, vigilant and strong in our efforts to make our community safe, “working together to make a difference”.
- Lori Ross, Board Member of the West Side Community Center and Coordinator of the Ridge & Bangs Revitalization Project & the Neighborhood Preservation Program

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