Friends of Asbury Park:

This Friday the City Council will be holding a special Executive Session
meeting to discuss the state of the Waterfront Redevelopment. As I
understand it, the goal of this meeting is to develop a collective vision
and plan of action for the Waterfront in light of the current state of
progress, market conditions, the City budget, etc. 

By this point in the Waterfront Redevelopment, the Citizens of Asbury Park
were promised at least 1200 new ratables (300 per year over 4 years) and
$8,000 in tax revenue per ratable. To date, we have approximately 40 new
ratables.  This is despite the fact that Asbury Partners had the ability to
develop waterfront property in Monmouth County in what was arguably the
hottest four years in real estate development in our nation's history.  

This is an important time for your Councilmembers to hear from you. I have
outlined below some important facts for you to review with regards to both
the City Budget and the Waterfront Redevelopment. I am sure you will see
why/how these are related. 


I have also posted this information on my blog at <>  and I
encourage you to talk about it there.  This letter is being sent out to two
different listserves, so if you want everyone to whom I am writing to be
able to hear your input and comments, please post on the blog.  

I hope this finds you well. 


Jim Keady, Councilman
City of Asbury Park, NJ

Facts on the City Budget and the Waterfront Redevelopment

On June 20, 2007 the City Council approved a $ 35.5 million budget with a
minimal increase in the City tax rate (not including county and school rate
increases.) This amount is similar to last years; however, since the 2004
budget the City Council majority has increased spending by just over $8

If the state had not come to the aid of certain City Council members' pleas
for help, our minimal tax bill increase would have been $2,685 per
household, on an average assessed home of $150,000. 

The City Manager has stated that, "It's going to be a few years before we
can balance a budget with our own revenues."

Larry Fishman of Asbury Partners has stated that, "I think the city's going
to have to plug that gap ($7.5m) for another year." 

Asbury Park's deficit was supposed to be eliminated back in 2002 when the
city sold all of our waterfront properties and pavilions. Citizens were then
told in 2005 that the surplus of $11million from the sale of the Sewer bond
would go to "plugging the budget for the next three years." As proof to
support this bond and to gain approval, the City presented a report to the
Local Finance Board stating that Asbury Park will have "annual recurring
revenue beginning in 2006 to 2008 equaling $4.2 m in phase 1; (and) phase 2
will be on line in 2008-2009 with an additional $4.2m."

The following is a list of deficiencies on the part of Asbury Partners under
the terms of the recent Dispute Resolution Agreement:

A. Convention Hall (Schedule B)

(i) Window Replacement Program. The window replacement program was to be
completed in May 2007. Asbury Partners subsequently indicated that this
program would be completed by September of 2007. On May 31, 2007, Asbury
Partners indicated that the condition of the window openings necessitated
repair of those openings and that fabrication of the replacement windows
would be deferred until the details of the necessary repairs were completed.
The Recent Submission indicates that reconstruction of the window openings
has begun but there is no definitive completion date.

(ii) Interior Store Replacements. Interior Store Replacements were to be
completed in September of 2006. An updated projection by Asbury Partners'
representatives was July 2007. To date, this work has not commenced. On
April 19, 2007, Asbury Partners indicated that a bid award was expected on
April 20, 2007. The Recent Submission indicates that construction will
commence in September and be competed in December of 2007. However, the City
is still awaiting indication that the SHPO has approved the interior
storefront design.

(iii) Arcade Entrance Structure Repair. This work was to be completed by May
2007. Revised projections from Asbury Partners' representatives were that
the work would commence in early April and would be completed in August
2007. On May 31, 2007, Asbury Partners indicated that revisions were
necessary to existing plans and that a permit modification would be applied
for. The Recent Submission indicates that construction will start in
mid-September, and be completed in December 2007.

(iv) Exterior Store Fronts and Entry Doors. This work would be completed in
April of 2007. To date, this work has not been commenced. On May 4, 2007,
Asbury Partners indicated that an extension for submitting bids was granted
with the new deadline being May 18, 2007. The Recent Submission lacks any
definitive timeframe for the completion of the work.

(v) Entire Building Renovation Design. Construction documents were to be
complete in September 2007 with renovation work to begin in October 2007. To
date, Asbury Partners has not undertaken the schematic design which was
scheduled to be complete in January 2007. The Recent Submission does not
indicate any definitive timeline for this work.

B. Casino (Schedule C)

1. Arcade

(i) Entire Building Renovation Design. Schedule C indicates that
construction documents are to be complete in September 2007 and that
renovation is to commence in October 2007. Schematic Design scheduled to
occur in January 2007 has not commenced. The Recent Submission indicates
that this project has an expected plan date of Spring 2008 but provides no
definitive timeframe for the work.

2. Carousel 

(i) Construction of the new roof was to be complete in June of 2007. To
date, that work has not been completed. In March of 2007, Asbury Partners
indicated that the completion date was estimated at August of 2007. The
Recent Submission indicates that the expected completion date is October

(ii) Entire Building Renovation Design. A schedule for work from Schematic
Design to Commencement of Construction would be provided by Asbury Partners.
The Recent Submission indicates that this project has an expected plan date
of Spring 2008 but provides no definitive timeframe for the work.

3. Power Plant (Schedule D)

a. New Roof for Power Plant. Schedule D indicates that construction would be
completed in June 2007. An Asbury Partners' representative estimated that
this work would be completed in September 2007. To date this work has not
been completed. The City Recent Submission indicates a completion date of
October 2007.

(i) Entire Building Renovation Design. Schedule D indicates that
construction documents would be completed in September 2007 and that
construction would begin in October 2007. To date, Schematic Design that was
to commence in January 2007, has not commenced. The City received a progress
report on September 14, 2007, which indicates that this project has an
expected plan date of Spring 2008 but provides no definitive timeframe for
the work.

4. Infrastructure (Schedule E)

a. The infrastructure work on Kingsley Street relating to the stabilized
base for all trench work was scheduled to be complete May 31, 2006, has not
been completed.

b. Signage Work. Scheduled to completed April 15, 2007, has not been

5. Joint Issues (Schedule F)

a. Asbury Partners has not complied with the City's timely demand for the
funding of escrow payments necessary to pay City personnel, as set forth in
Item numbered 7. 

b. Asbury Partners has not submitted to the City its annual reports to
N.J.S.H.P.O relating to the Convention Hall and Paramount Theater as
required by the Historic Preservation Easements since April 7, 2006, in
accordance with its obligation under Schedule F of the Dispute Resolution
Agreement. The Recent Submission indicates that this work is in progress.

c. Asbury Partners failed to move the Palace Amusement Murals by August 1,
2006 or comply with the recommendations of conservator, Paul Himmelstein.
Construction activities have begun at the Wastewater Treatment Plant,
subjecting the murals to an increased chance of damage. The Recent
Submission indicates that a September 2007 move is planned.

In addition to the above, there also are joint issues that must be addressed
by the parties as more specifically set forth in Schedule F of the Dispute
Resolution Agreement. For example, the parties must resolve Schedule F Item
number four relating to the transfer of Green Acres parcels to the City
subject to an agreement regarding approved uses. Further, the City and
Asbury Partners must resolve issues relating to Schedule F Items numbered 9
and 10 dealing with the dispute regarding the taxation of Block 227 and the
determination of the sale price for Block 222, respectively.

In addition to Asbury Partners' failure to comply with obligations under the
Dispute Resolution Agreement, they have also failed to satisfy the following
material obligations under the Redeveloper Agreement. 

1. Redeveloper's failure to construct the beach clubs in accordance with
Section 3.13.
2. The failure to complete work in connection with the re-opening of Sixth
Avenue in accordance with Section 3.15.
3. The failure to make any "good faith" effort with respect to the
integration of the Charms Building into any development by a subsequent
developer in accordance with Section 3.16.5,
4. The failure to continue to implement the infrastructure improvement
master plan as presented and accepted to the Mayor and Council in 2005.




Councilman James W. Keady

1 Municipal Plaza

Asbury Park, NJ 07712

TEL: 732.502.5196




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