That's great Nick.  I still look for Maxie every day and tell 
everybody about her.

To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Sun, 25 Nov 2007 18:00:38 
+0000Subject: [AsburyPark] Re: [AsburyParkGLH] Maxie Update

I found this segment that aired CBS3[EMAIL PROTECTED]'s a 
beautiful day out... so please continue to be aware if you seeany bulldogs in 
or around Asbury that may be Maxie--- In, 
"wernerapnj" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:>> That would be Heck AVENUE.> > Heck 
Street is in Asbury Park.> > Werner> > --- In, 
newarski202@ wrote:> >> > We forgot to mention that the house is on Heck in 
Neptune, right> past the Asbury border, sorry to keep flooding you with emails, 
we> just want her found!!> > > > We hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!> > 
> > AnthonyG> > 600 8th Ave> > > > AnthonyN & Rick> > 510 First Ave> > > > > > 
> > -------------- Original message -------------- > > From: newarski202@ > > 
Maxie Update: > > > > We had another Maxie sighting today, in the same 
neighborhood. A 15> year old boy called us around 1 p.m. and said he saw a dog 
that looked> like Maxie being taken into a house at 1617 Heck St. He seemed> 
credible and described the behavior of the dog, which matched Maxie's> -- she's 
on the hyper/jumpy side :)> > > > We immediately drove to the house and met 
with the boy in person and> he confirmed he saw a dog that looks like Maxie 
being taken into that> house. Then we actually saw the owner of the house and 
her daughter> outside and asked her about the dog and she said she had not seen 
any> stray dogs. She did not mention being a dog owner.> > > > We then went to 
the Neptune Police Department to see if they could> do anything, but the 
officer behind the desk was not helpful in theleast.> > > > While we are 
grateful that Maxie may be warm and dry and being fed,> we want her home! We 
don't want to falsely accuse anyone, but need to> follow up on this lead. > > > 
> We have been by the house off and on all day and have posted flyers> on poles 
surrounding the house. The house is on the corner of Heck and> Myrtle and has a 
chain link fence around it, giving a good view into> both front and back yards. 
We plan on continuing to drive by the house> and post more flyers around it 
tomorrow and Friday. We might do a> stake out -- the dog has to pee!> > > > If 
anybody can help us by driving by this house at any point in the> next couple 
of days, we would be so grateful. Again we don't know for> sure if this is her, 
or if there is a dog in that house at all, as we> haven't seen her first hand. 
> > > > We continue to be amazed at the outpouring of kindness you have all> 
shared with us and appreciate being in your thoughts and prayers.> Thank you!> 
> > > > > AnthonyG> > 600 8th Ave.> > AnthonyN and Rick> > 510 First Ave> >> 

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