Joymoti (1935), surviving version by Altaf Mazid, 57 min with English

On 25 November 2013 14:52, Buljit Buragohain <> wrote:

> Baandhon :
> The film focuses on an elderly couple, Dandeswar and Hkawni, who arrive in
> Mumbai in search of their missing grandson after 26/11 2008 terror attack.
> The film won the Best Feature Film in Assamese award in the 60th National
> Film Awards and also won the Best Film award in the Indian Films
> Competition at the Bengaluru International Film Festival for the year 2012.
> It's A Long Way To The Sea :
> The story revolves around a boatman who earns his living by sailing boat
> in the nearby ghats.Problem arises when the government decides to construct
> a bridge on it which will deprive his earnings. His son who lives in city
> wants his father only to take care of their property
> Cast-Bishnu Kharghoria,Arun Nath,Kashmiri Saikia Baruah
> Aparoopa :
> The story is set in the colonial period in Assam. The film deals with a
> young woman who has to give up her university education for her arranged
> marriage with a rich tea-planter. The plantation and its social routine
> become a prison of boredom for her since her husband completely neglects
> her for his business. Things get worse when she discovers, outraged, that
> her marriage was for the sake of wiping off a huge debt owed by her father.
> She considers herself as having been sold to her husband. Then one day an
> old classmate, now an army officer, visits them. Depressed, she gets drawn
> to her ex-lover from whom she seeks fulfillment.
> Catastrophe :
> The Catastrophe is an Assamese film of social genre made by director Jahnu
> Barua. It won the National Film Award for Best Feature Film in 1988 and
> multiple awards at the Locarno International Film Festival in 1988. It was
> the third full-length feature film made by Barua.
> Cast-Indra Bania,Purnima Pathak Saikia,Pranjal Saikia .
> Rowd (Sunshine For You) :
> Human life and their relationships are like two sides of a coin. There is
> a saying "True love can touch your soul" and every human being waits for
> that heavenly ray. ROWD is the story about a young man whose past collides
> with his present. It's all about his dream, love of life, friends, family
> and his journey. There is no specific time or season for love but all we
> need is a ray of sunshine which will melt our sorrows and bring an
> everlasting sparkle to our lives where the child in us can find
> manifestation.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> সমাজৰ কাৰণে ভাল কাম কৰাজনৰ পৰিচয় ৰাইজৰ আগত দাঙি ধৰিব লাগে আৰু ভাল খবৰবোৰ
> যিমান পাৰি ৰাইজৰ মাজত বিলাব লাগে।
> ---- বুলজিৎ বুঢ়াগোহাঁই
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