Dear Friends: 

I hope you had time to read my post on bilingualism posted earlier. Here's is 
an improvement from the New York Times this morning(20 03 2012).
iingual Is Good, Is triling

If Bilingual Is Good, Is Trilingualism] Better?

Amit Bhargava for The New York Times
School children cycle past advertisements for language coaching institutes in 
Patna, Bihar.

“Being bilingual, it turns out, makes you smarter,” Yudhijit Bhattacharjee 
writes in an op-ed in The New York Times. “It can have a profound effect on 
your brain, improving cognitive skills not related to language and even 
shielding against dementia in old age.”
But if being bilingual is good, what about being trilingual, as so many people 
in India are? Or even quadrilingual?
That’s hardly unusual in India, where someone may, speak, say, Punjabi and 
Hindi with their father’s family, Bengali with their mother’s and Hindi and 
English with their spouse and children. India’s 2001 census lists 122 
languages, and bi- or trilingualism is so assumed that the census 
questionnaires ask respondents for their first, second and third languages.
Almost 20 percent of India’s population, some 240 million people, is 
multilingual, and millions are trilingual. (Sri Lanka, meanwhile, has 
proclaimed 2012 the “Year for a Trilingual Sri Lanka.”)
But research into the effect of trilingualism is scarce, in India or worldwide.
“Trilingualism is generally treated in the relevant literature as another type 
of bilingualism, and theories and findings from studies of bilinguals are often 
assumed to be applicable to trilinguals by extension,” Suzanne Barron-Hauwaert, 
a researcher on languages wrote in 2000. A study Ms. Barron-Hauwaert conducted 
on trilingual children, mostly in Europe, found that three languages can’t be 
balanced as easily as two, and that a child’s age plays a big part on what 
language it would speak. She found “very young children using the mother’s 
language as their first language while 3- to 4-year olds use the father’s 
language; the older children prefer the local language.”
In India, research on the dozens of languages spoken in the country often has 
an economic focus, rather than any focus on the effect on individual 
Analysis of Indian multilingualism during the 19th and 20th centuries looked at 
it as a “problem” to be overcome, according to a research paper published on 
the Evaluations and Language Resources Distribution Agency Website. “But, in 
the present 21st century, because of the systematic language policy initiatives 
of the past half a century, we have begun to look at multilingualism as an 
In a 2008 study focused on India, an economics professor said “language 
learning and linguistic diversity ought to be taken as endogenous to the 
process of economic development.”
Do you speak three or four languages? If so, what are they, and how do you 
think it has affected you?

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