Dear Friends:

I would have missed this interesting article had I not received a print copy of 
today's International Herald Tribune (03 04 2012). It has been
published in many papers worldwide. As the Tribune article is long, I have 
found a short version of the same and copy it below. If you're
interested, you can follow up Google for the longer version.

Hungary: President Quits In Plagiarism Scandal

Written by: VOA
April 2, 2012

Hungary’s President Pal Schmitt has resigned after being stripped of his 
doctorate over plagiarism.
Mr. Schmitt, who was elected to his largely ceremonial office in 2010, said he 
was stepping down because, in his words, “my personal issue divides my beloved 
nation rather than unites it.”
Last week, Budapest’s Semmelweis University revoked his 1992 doctorate after 
finding that much of his thesis about the modern Olympic Games had been copied 
from works of other authors.
Mr. Schmitt won gold medals for fencing at the 1968 and 1972 Olympic Games.

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