Jugal da wrote…” ….I would like the language preserved for eternity!!”


A question and an observation from an ignorant Oxomia.


a)      If Xonkordeu wrote in the language of the common people, then was brajabali then the language of the common people. When did the language become what we now call Oxomia?


b)      The language seems to have changed in the last 100 years itself as we become urbanized – this was driven home strongly when I was reading my kids stories from Laxminath Bezboruahdeu’s Burhi Aii’r Xadhu. Apart from the very rural allusions / similes/ metaphors, he used many more “Hindi” words than one would find say in a newspaper article today; a sampling -  lathail, fauzdari, imtihaan – all these words in just one story I read to my kids last week.


PS. This is in the spirit of genuine inquiry – not making any debating points here.




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