While browsing today, I came across this 'work in progress' (from the
editor's note)article by Jaideep Saikia from Guwahati.  The title of
the article is " The Crescent Waxes Eastward" What I read so far makes
quite an interesting reading with great references and quotes, and I
have not heard netters discuss this author before.

Apparently Saikia has been writing position/occassional papers on the
North East and Assam for ACDIS (University of Illinois, UC campus).
Saikia talks about illegal immigration, insurgency, and geo-political
affairs of the NE.

Below is a link to 4 chapters/prologues/epilogues/references of Saikia's article


To read the editor's note on Saikia's work , please go to this link:

Hope you all enjoy the reading and look forward to some analyses or if
anyone knows more about this author.

Here is an excerpt from the editor's note:

The author and I encountered numerous examples of linguistic and
cultural differences that indicated why it was imperative to have some
measure of collaboration on the present work. There were too many to
mention all of them, so I include a few anecdotal instances here for
illustration. Thus, for example, while an Assamese would bring his
tiffin to the office, an American would carry his lunchbox. An Indian
might "turn a Nelson's eye" to a problem, but stateside that same eye
would be blind. Whereas in Guwahati one counts in lakhs, in
Urbana-Champaign the same measure is taken in hundreds of thousands.
In other words, there was no shortage of opportunities for us to
compare the nuances of "British"—or more specifically Indian—English
versus American English diction, spelling, and grammar. Saikia
conscientiously strove to tailor his material to an American
readership, with the Chicago Manual of Style and my input at his
disposal. He considered questions like how best to include the
quotations of texts not written by native speakers of English, such as
when he quotes the published aims and objectives of the United
Liberation Front of Asom or provides excerpts of Assamese newspaper
accounts. We have presented such quotations verbatim in this
Occasional Paper, unless otherwise noted.
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