God forbid this should be true!
An Indian Ambassador was allowed to meet Bose -- on the condition that he would 
not try to speak to him. When the Ambassador wondered about what to do in case 
Bose wished to speak to him, "he was told that it has been taken care of," … A 
rather ominous bit of hospitality. -- Reported in Hindustan Times dated 4 March 

But when a well-known researcher contacted Mikhael Gorbachev, the former 
premier evaded a direct answer, and is alleged to have said it was up to both 
governments (Russia and India) to solve the issue once and for all.

A former head of the Foreign Security Service (the old KGB) has indicated to a 
prominent researcher that files in Russian archives do contain detailed 
information -- but the onus is on the Indian Government to show more interest.

Have you lately been tormented by the fate that befell Subhas Chandra Bose? 
Could you picture him as a captive in a Siberian gulag, while he is presumed 
dead by fellow Indians? India's biggest nightmare involving the biggest names 
isn't over as yet. The recent inquiry of Mukherjee Commission confirmed that 
the story of Netaji's death in a plane crash was a camouflage for his escape to 
the Soviet Russia. And what was the Government's reaction to this finding of a 
reputed ex-judge of the Supreme Court of India? Steeped in premeditated views, 
they summarily dismissed it. And not many voices were raised.

Doesn't this outrage you? Is this the way to handle the matter of the life and 
death of the man Gandhiji called 'Prince among Patriots'? Is passage of time 
any excuse for condoning gross injustice? After what Subhas did for us, 
wouldn't we be displaying ungratefulness taking things lying down?

Oh, don't you think this concerns Bose only. Modern India's longest running 
political controversy has had some terrible spillovers. If a shiver hasn't gone 
down your spine already, see this old clipping: 

  for complete details visit:  http://justiceforsubhas.blogspot.com/
  Resently government said secret papers about Netaji could not be make public 
because there could be caos. Why? 

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