Education for Development

Education is the word one utters mostly while talking about school/ 
college. But other than school/college education a person needs to be 
educated on various issues.
In the Northeast, people cultivate land once a year. But if you 
compare with other States like Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan
 etc, farmers carry out agricultural activities two-three times a year. 
When I raised the issue with farmers from different parts of this 
region, they said, ‘‘Nobody does, that’s why we also don’t.’’ It is 
nothing but lack of awareness and education on that issue.
In the same way people oppose development activities like 
industrialization, construction of dams etc. They think 
industrialization means pollution. But we all contribute to pollution in
 our daily life. For instance, we prepare food using firewood or LPG. In
 this process carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and other gases are 
generated. This leads to pollution. 
Development and employment are the need of the hour. Everyone should 
ponder, discuss and decide on an acceptable level of pollution which 
does not harm human life, agriculture, environment and nature. The 
pollution  control department has also fixed the limit at 50 mg/cubic 
In industry, during production, many chemical processes take place 
resulting in production of various gases and dust, some of which are 
visible and some are not. Now technology is available in the market to 
avoid pollution. 
In the past, technology was not so developed. Industries used to emit
 pollutants that could not be controlled. There was also this impression
 that ‘‘industry means chimney, and chimney means pollution’’. But now, 
thanks to advanced technologies, pollution can be controlled to a large 
These days you can take money, go to the market and come back home 
with the latest, most efficient scooter or motor bike or car adding 
little to air and noise pollution. This is how technology has worked.
It is necessary to educate the public on such new technology. There 
is a need to change the prevailing concept of industrialization. 
I take pride to note that in the Northeast too, environment-friendly 
industries are in operation. Public leaders, intelligentsia, heads of 
technical/non-technical institutes, universities and NGOs should visit, 
say, cement-manufacturing industries to check if there is any pollution.
 There you find colonies for workers and officers. There are also 
well-maintained garden, temple, school, hospital etc — which means there
 is no life-threatening pollution, neither in air nor in water. There 
are many other such environment-friendly factories in operation that do 
not pose any pollution-related threat to people residing nearby. But 
these people have to be educated on such matters.
Time has come for public leaders, intelligentsia, heads of 
technical/non-technical institutes, universities and NGOs to educate the
 public on new and emerging technologies and create the right 
environment for industrialization in the region so that it leads to 
development, all-round progress and generation of employment 
opportunities — which are the main needs of the hour. 

Dharmananda Sarma,
Silpukhuri, Guwahati-3.
(Letters to the Editor ,The Sentinel,Guwahati, Friday, September 10, 2010)

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