Dear Ruby,
  This is what you wrote in one mail to Shantikam Hazarika, which I saw 
appended at the bottom of a mail Nayan Medhi wrote on Assamnet: "Do you think 
only your type are the ones who deserves respect? You do not have to instigate 
any one to have a debate with us. In this instant what has unfolded puts you in 
the same defiled platform as with Nayan
 Parasr and Utpal Borpujari. Otherwise we could have a meaningful dignified
 debate in the meantime."
  Well, would you please tell me how I am on a "defiled platform"? Is it 
because I asked ULFA a few questions through you - questions that have been 
coming up in me for a long time - asking clarifications on a few issues which I 
think are very important as far as Assam is concerned? From your point of view 
the questions may be right or wrong, and the same questions may or may not come 
up from other people too, but that is not my concern. Am I on this "defiled 
platform" because many others - including Shantikam Hazarika and Noyon Parasara 
(I know the former, and have met the latter only on the Net - through forums 
like Assamonline and a few others) - started asking you more questions on the 
basis of my questions and your replies to them (in whatever format you chose to 
do that)? Cannot anybody ask you critical questions? I was expecting replies 
from you, and hoping to have a debate / discussion arising out of them - which 
unfortunately never happened as instead of replying
 to my questions, you chose to only add a few words here and there, 
highlighting them with various colours, which I said in a subsequent mail on 
Assamnet did not make any sense to me.
  I hope you will clear the air on this, and also that you will engage yourself 
(you meaning ULFA, not you personally) in a debate with all of us - some of 
whom may be your supporters, some critics, some opponents, and some just part 
of that segment of Assam who want to see a peaceful Assam, devoid of any form 
of violence by anybody.
  Utpal Borpujari

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