Not to pile on desi-despondenvy here, but I think Surendran has  it right!
cm man's 
burdenCP Surendran 
25 September 2010, 04:23 AM IST

CGF chief Michael Fennell likes his toilet clean. The Organising Committee 
spokesperson Lalit Bhanot doesn't mind a dirty one. Fennel is British and 
white. Bhanot is Indian and brown. Their toilets reflect their skin colours. 
The Delhi Games is probably one of the most racist ever: it's two civilizations 
looking at shit. Their visions differ drastically.

Hygiene, Bhanot said, "Is a matter of perception in cleanliness." And the 
context was Fennel finding the Delhi Games Village apartments and toilets 
unusable for international athletes.

No one specifically asked the participating black countries like the Caribbean 
states or Lesotho the complexion of their toilet preference. The chances are 
that they would have smiled at Bhanot in understanding. The poor across the 
world know well what it takes to keep a toilet bowl white and clean, provided 
of course that they have one.

More than half the Indian population doesn't. According to a recent UN survey, 
roughly 366 million people had access to improved sanitation. That's less than 
our mobile penetration: more than 545 million cell phones are now connected to 
service in India's emerging economy. Clearly, we prefer telephones to toilets, 
perhaps because we are a garrulous people.

Bhanot is right. As a race, Indians don't mind co-existing with crap. Our 
tolerance level for rubbish is high compared to the West. As a child in 
Trivandrum, this writer used to pick his way to school and back through a 
stretch of road which was used as an open toilet by hundreds of Dravidians,  
who might still be at it with slightly altered physiognomies, and with the 
singular difference that they might be now talking into a cell. These are after 
all days of multitasking.

It's no different in the North or West. In Delhi city, you just need to step 
out into an area like Okhla to find hourly testimonies to Bhanot's law. In 
Bombay, where this writer used to work for long, thousands, line the roads and 
railway tracks morning and evening to relieve themselves, chin up and eyes 

Indeed, when was the last time an Indian protested against the lack of toilets 
in a country that can find Rs 27,000 crores—so, material resources are not the 
problem—for collapsible stadiums and marmoreal sidewalks? Clearly, we no longer 
care. We have been so sanitized that we are no longer troubled by how close we 
are to garbage and waste in public spaces.

Or consider the 9000 passenger trains of the Indian Railways –"Lead partner of 
Delhi Games"--carrying over 2 million passengers a day. What are these but 
holes on wheels into which people crap at over 100 km per hour across the 
length and breadth of the country, manically distributing the suspect largess?

Hygiene is not always a question of scatology. It could be about dead bodies as 
well. The Vedic Indian considers the Ganges holy, and allows half burnt corpses 
to drift in the river, in transit to heaven. Our idea of the sublime itself is 

Or consider the ubiquitous office tea-boy who brings you and your friends chai, 
three of his snot-laced fingers dipping deep into the glasses. Or the open 
sewers. Or the dhobi sneezing into the laundered linen and bringing it back, 
all neatly folded? The list is endless.

Bhanot is right about the cultural relativity of cleanliness. The fact is that 
the whites are a cleaner race, and their idea of sanitation as a system 
institutionally superior.

We may resort to the argument that it is the pressure of urbanisation that is 
at the heart of the matter. But nothing quite explains why we have more mobiles 
than toilets. Clearly, it's not so much a question of resources as wrong 
prioritization both at the institutional and individual levels.

The Delhi Games is a lesson in basics. The dirty rooms of the Games Village, 
the stained beds, and the filthy toilets could be partly explained by rogue 
dogs; or by vandal construction workers.

The first is a security breach. The other raises the question: why were the 
workers not given adequate toilets or shower rooms on site?

The Games authorities, like the middleclass that now finds itself aggrieved at 
the national shame, never spared a moment to think: where do workers crap? Why, 
they will manage! There's always the Yamuna! And there was at one point more 
than 400,000 labourers on CWG sites. Neither the Organisation Committee nor 
Sheila Dikshit gave a shit to the workers' dignity. And look what they got in 
return: the brown man's toilet.
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