J Kalita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Date: Tue, 8 Aug 2006 10:23:08 -0700 (PDT)
From: J Kalita <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Some discussions I am having on Yahoo discussion lists about the Middle East

The Terrorist War Methodology
by: carldrewery (53/M/Georgia)     08/08/06 11:04 am
Msg: 1205 of 1236
It is becoming progressively more obvious just how ingenious is the terrorists' approach to war. If Israel or any other country was facing an advancing army across open desert or any other unoccupied territory,it would be a simple matter to throw your military might and weaponry against the foe until the outcome would be decided, usually in a relatively short time period. But Hezbollah and other terrorist organizations, cowards that they are, embed themselves in the civilian population using them as human shields and availing themselves of the advantages of growing world indignation when "innocents" are killed or maimed. Nations who would fight in a "civilized" manner are forced to painstakingly tip-toe through the tulips in order to avoid collateral damage, while the enemy purposely hurls missiles on their population centers. The only method these bastards understand is a Scorched Earth approach.


Re: The Terrorist War Methodology
by: Send me a message! jugalkalita     08/08/06 11:14 am
Msg: 1209 of 1236
But, it's very logical not to fight a power with overwhelming aerial bombardment power in the traditional way, isn't it? Suppose YOU ARE a general or even the commander-in-chief of a small military power that doesn't stand a chance with a far superior military power with seeing drones, many hundreds or thousands of helicopters and fighter planes, bunker busters, precision guided missiles, etc. In such a situation, what would YOU do? Would you line up your military in uniform so that they can be killed instantly by aerial bombardment with satellite and other sorts of precision guidance? What would be logical for YOU as a method of encountering the vastly superior military that is oppressing you? I am not supporting Hezbollah or any other organization, but asking an intellectual question.

Another question: Isn't it "cowardly" to drop bombs from the sky where the bomb dropper doesn't risk his life but kills tens or hundredds or thousands? Where is the bravery in dropping bombs? It definitely is expedient and efficient in killing, but is there "bravery" in it in the traditional sense of a warrior? If you want the smaller military powers to fight in an "uncowardly" manner, maybe, the stronger powers should stop relying on air power and engage them on the ground like olden days? Will this be acceptable to you?

 Posted as a reply to: Msg 1205 by carldrewery  

Re: The Terrorist War Methodology
by: shariahsucks     08/08/06 11:26 am
Msg: 1214 of 1237
1 recommendation
"If you want the smaller military powers to fight in an "uncowardly" manner, maybe, the stronger powers should stop relying on air power and engage them on the ground like olden days? Will this be acceptable to you?"

The problem with your argument is that Hezbollah and Muslim terrorists are not wise, or they would'nt have attacked first.

They are fools. They have always waged a guerilla war as they are a terrorist gang, not a national military force. Hezbollah's shooting of rockets is indiscriminate.

Lebanon's civilian casualties are the result of terrorists tactics of using civilians as human shields by shhooting from populated areas.

Muslims worldwide have always hated the US and Israel and now they are having thier Holy Jihad. They decided to attack u on 9/11.

They decided to attack Israel.

They did'nt count the cost.

 Posted as a reply to: Msg 1209 by jugalkalita  

Re: The Terrorist War Methodology
by: Send me a message! jugalkalita     08/08/06 11:41 am
Msg: 1225 of 1237
1 recommendation
I disagree with your characterization. What does Israel exist for? To misappropriate Palestinian and Arab lands, kill them blithely from the sky? It's not going to happen any more. If Israel wants to live there in the long run, it must act smartly. Acting smartly would mean being not mean to its neighbors. Israel occupied Gaza for 30 years almost. Did it do anything to endear the people there? Was it not consistenly cruel to them? Instead of being cruel, it could have built schools and universities there. It could have developed a judicial and administrative structure with Gazans in the image of Israel. It could have created industries and given the Gazans a hope in life. But, Israel was consistenly mean and vicious. It's the same everywhere Israel has gotten into.

Contrast that with the US in Germany and Japan after WW-II. We took in the vanquished and created their society in our image. We are buddy-buddies with them now.

Israel can still change course for its long term logevity. Israel is acting utterly stupidly. Where is its human ingenuity? What are the smart people of Israel thinking? That they would make a situation where everyone would cower and genuflect before them for all the time in history to come? That's a dream that would never be materialized.

So, grow up Israel. Act smartly for your own good.

 Posted as a reply to: Msg 1211 by carldrewery  
Re: The Terrorist War Methodology
by: Send me a message! jugalkalita     08/08/06 11:35 am
Msg: 1219 of 1237
You didn't answer my questions. Maybe, Hezbollah was stupid, is Israel being smart or just a bully with a big stick that usually loses ultimately in the course of history's passage of time?

Read http://www.guardian.co.uk/israel/Story/0,,1839281,00.html to learn that Israel was violating Lebanon's sovereinty every day. There is no point pontificating about Israel's superiority or smartness. Israel has acted viciously, in a mean-spirited and cruel manner by its adopted method of baby killing from the sky.

 Posted as a reply to: Msg 1214 by shariahsucks  

 Re: The Terrorist War Methodology
by: carldrewery (53/M/Georgia)     08/08/06 12:11 pm
Msg: 1243 of 1247
Unlike most of the eggheads that post on this forum, I sense in you a rare intelligence and sensitivity. My compliments! I feel, however, that we field two distinctly different and insoluble points of view. I believe that one of the most glaring truths is that most of the modern societies that exist in the world today do so because of the dispossession of indigenous peoples, the U.S. included. Should we go back now,just because it's the "right" thing to do and give the country back to the Indians? The same is true of the Israelis. I believe that Israel has always wanted peace with its neighbors, and would have, as you suggested, helped with improvements in their respective cultures. But, it is hard to cooperate with people who have made it so plain that all they want is your annhialation. If you can repatriate a country after you have destroyed its infrastructure and create a future friend, like Japan, I say go for it. But, if no reconciliation is possible, utterly destroy the enemy. As Cleopatra so eloquently phased it, "If you hold the viper to your bosom, you're probably gonna get bit."

 Posted as a reply to: Msg 1225 by jugalkalita  

Re: The Terrorist War Methodology
by: Send me a message! jugalkalita     08/08/06 12:53 pm
Msg: 1257 of 1257
You are basing your comments on no truth on the ground. In the 30 years of occupation in Gaza, when was Israel nice to the Gazans? Yes, Gazans have a lot of grievances against the Israelis, and there are obvious reasons for that such as Israelis throwing them out of their own homes, repeated cruel treatment. Israel has always tried the stick, did it ever try any carrots? Did it try to neutralize the anger the Gazans by giving them something? Did it try to say Israel will send Gaza's children to free schools? Did Israel build a university or college or a park or a radio station or TV station in Gaza in 30 years of occupation?
You neutralize someone's anger at you for valid reasons by not being consistently cruel to them, but by addressing their root causes. I understand Israel is not going to leave Israel proper, but why is Israel taking away land stil in the West Bank?

As I said before, Israel has smart people all over, but it is not thinking. It is is being a vicious animal not a country of thinking human beings. Israelis and Jews have money; they are monied people all over the world. Why not Israelis or Jewish people trying to help the dispossessed in Gaza? Why are they not saying you can't come back to Israel proper, but we feel sorry for your loss and we will compensate and make amends for what you lost? Will Israel be seen weak if it did so? I don't think so.

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