Dear Netters
This morning I realized that I could be famous. As some of the netters already know, I do not have much time left to become so, I crave your indulgence.
I was inspired by a news-item published in the Daily Telegraph today under the caption:'General calls for Blair to face trial over Iraq' by Neil Tweedie.In order to come to the point, I quote the relevant portions below with my own submissions following that.
>>The Prime Minister had used non-existent weapons of mass destruction as a casus belli when he probably had some other strategy in mind......Certainly from a soldier's  perspective there can't be any more serious decision taken by a Prime Minister than declaring war....Then to go to war on what turns out to be false grounds is something that no one should be allowed to walk away from."<<
My comments: Read George Bush in place of Tony Blair above. Now, why I think George Bush should be impeached:
a. He ignored the advice given by his knowledgeable father not to  attack Iraq.
b. Saddam attacked Kuwait because the American Ambassador  in a private talk with the President assured that USA would not interfere in the event of Kuwait being attacked.USA recalled the Ambassador overnight and behaved as if that conversation with a friend never took place.Till then Saddam was a good friend of USA.
c. George Bush had no excuse for ignoring the world body's decision not to attack Iraq.The UNO's existence rests on the foundation that peaceful means should be explored to end all conflicts. Iraq was not a power of equal strength to fight USA or even Great Britain.
d. It is true both Blair and Bush had the backing of their Parliament and Congress respectively to go to war. But both apparently misled the Parliament and the Congress.In case of Blair, one of his senior colleagues who had the benefit of studying the relevant dossiers resigned on the issue.
e. Think of the thousands of British and American soldiers and others, our own brothers and sisters who died in this battle needlessly for the bungling of these two leaders.Won't you shed a tear for those near and dear ones who lost their sons and daughters, wives and children, fiancees etc in the service of their country? Why are the innocent Iraquis in their thousands  being killed remorselessly and why are their beautiful cities being destroyed wantonly?
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