Centre willing to discuss all issues concerning Assam: PM NEW DELHI, OCT 26 (PTI)



Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said that the government was willing to discuss "all issues" concerning Assam after holding discussion with the ULFA-selected People's Consultative Group (PCG) here.

"I am willing to listen to whatever concerns that you may raise. I am willing to discuss issues bothering people of Assam," Prime Minister's media advisor Sanjaya Baru quoted him as telling the 11-member delegation of PCG which met him here.

The Prime Minister said that he was a "servant of the Constitution" and all issues had to sorted out within its framework." The meeting which lasted for over two hours was also attended by Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi, National Security Advisor M K Narayanan and senior officials of the Government.

Borbora described the talks held today as "absolutely congenal, open minded and heart-to-heart" and said similar rounds would take place "in the near future rather than in the distant future." Official sources said the next round of talks would be held with the Home Ministry but no time frame had been fixed yet.

Quoting the Prime Minister, Baru said "the time has come to end violence. Let us work together to bring a glorious chapter for the people of Assam".

The meeting today was held in two sessions, the first attended by the PCG, Narayanan and top Home Ministry officials in which Gogoi also joined.

The Prime Minister attended the second session, Borbora said.

While it was not officially stated what issues were discussed, sources said ceasefire and ULFA's demand for sovereignty were also discussed.

"We have expressed our view point. The Government of India also expresed their view. It was basically at a preliminary stage and Manmohan Singhji expressed that the Government is prepared to discuss all the issues that the PCG brings forward or the ULFA has been pushing through the PCG.

"We are hopeful that things will proceed in right direction in right direction to facilitate a lasting and permanent political settlement of the long conflict," he said.

Gogoi said that the Prime Minister was "very keen" to bring peace and prosperity to the North-East and asked the PCG to prepare the ground so that ULFA comes to the talks table.

He said today's meeting did not discuss nitty-gritties which would be taken up later between the PCG and Government officials.


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