10 October 2006



This is the fifty-seventh year of annexation by India of Kamotapur, Manipur and Tripura in October 1949.


On this occasion, Kamotapur Liberation Organisation (KLO), Manipur People’s Liberation Front (MPLF) and Tripura People’s Democratic Front (TPDF), making common cause against the annexation of our States by India, once again reaffirm our resolve and determination to regain the sovereignty and independence of our respective States. Sovereign independence is a nation’s fundamental right as is enshrined in the UN Charter. The use of any form of struggle, including armed struggle, to achieve or restore this national right is justified under international law.        


          Ever since the illegal annexations, the Government of India has been pursuing a deliberate policy of complete Indianisation of the three States as elsewhere in the Region by adopting measures to make indigenous peoples minorities in their own land. This is the gravest of the threats to the distinctive identities of the peoples of the Region. In pursuance of this colonial policy, Kamotapur was merged with West Bengal in January 1951 thereby making the Kamotapuris a minority community among the Bengalis of West Bengal. The Tripuri people who constituted more than 85% of the total population of Tripura at the time of annexation have since been swamped by ethnic Bengali settlers who now constitute more than 70% of the total population. In Manipur, foreign refugees having ethnic affinity with mainland Indians have been resettled in fertile areas of the valley. This population transfer has gravely disturbed the original demography of the Region resulting in chronic racial, cultural, social, economic and political conflicts.    


          However, Indian colonial policy does not end with population transfer. The time tested policy of ‘divide and rule’ which India has refined and developed as ‘divide and destroy’ being pursued against the liberation struggles of our Region is another aspect of Indian colonial occupation. This policy has effectively exploited the multi-ethnic situation of the Region by playing up narrow ethnic sentiments against one another thus fragmenting, in the name of democracy, the unity of the Region. But we firmly believe that this is a temporary phenomenon in the historical development of the Region towards ethnic harmony and unity.


Despite India’s all-out effort to suppress our national liberation struggles, despite all the ups and downs natural in any such national struggle, those of our struggles with correct political line and policies have made significant progress thereby exposing those with wrong political line and policies, though it is still a long way to our goal of sovereignty and independence. However, we firmly believe that despite temporary setbacks caused by Indian ‘divide and destroy’ policy and lack of practical unity among our liberation forces, Indian colonial rule is destined to be ultimately overthrown from our Region. 


On this occasion KLO, MPLF and TPDF jointly appeal to all the fraternal peoples and revolutionary organisations of the Region to strengthen their traditional brotherhood and fight together to overthrow Indian colonial rule from the Region.



Let us build our unity through struggle!



“All for one, one for all!”




10 October 2006                      KLO, MPLF and TPDF       


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