Osama Bin Laden rocks Assam with new video

Luit Neil Don, 05 November 2007, Monday


Al-Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden, in his latest video, has mentioned Assam and
Kashmir and has called upon the Muslims to wake up and launch the fight for
an Islamic state.


AL-QAEDA chief Osama Bin Laden, in his latest video, has mentioned about
Assam and Kashmir while calling upon the Muslims to wake up and launch the
fight for an Islamic state. Laden's 15-minute videotape was beamed on
Al-Jazeera, a sattelite channel.

For long there had been speculations and allegations by security forces
about the possibility of a linkages between the Al-Qaeda and the militant
groups of the North-East region. But for the first time, it has been proved
'officially'. Al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden, in this sensational video,
categorically mentioned Assam and asked Muslims in the state to wake up and
fight spiritedly.

The video lambasted the United States and a section of the Western media for
distorting facts. He narrated the story of a lamb and a wolf to drive home
his point of atrocities committed on Muslims across the world.

Laden's passing reference of Assam assumes significance considering the fact
that most of the militant groups, including the United Liberation Front of
Asom (ULFA), were believed to have been trained in Pakistan and Afghanistan.
A few months ago, about 15 suspected Al Qaeda operatives were arrested in

According to media reports, Laden also urged Muslims in Sudan and adjoining
areas to fight the United Nations-African Union peacekeepers to force them
out of Sudan.

Speaking about the foreign troops in Sudan, Laden said: "This is a brazen
occupation, and only an infidel apostate seeks it or agrees to it. So it is
the duty of the people of Islam in the Sudan and its environs, especially
the Arabian Peninsula, to perform Jihad against the crusader invaders and
wage armed rebellion to remove those who let them in."

Sudan is expected to announce a ceasefire at the start of peace talks with
rebels. The intention behind this is to end the conflict in the Darfur

The Darfur conflict has left around 200,000 people dead and two million
people homeless, according to the estimates.

Laden called upon the insurgents in Iraq to unite against occupation forces.
"Some of you have been lax in one duty, which is to unite your ranks. Beware
of division... The Muslim world is waiting for you to gather under one
banner"- He is quoted as saying on the tape.

This seems to be a response to some Sunni groups in Iraq that have joined US
troops in their fight against Al Qaida members, as well as other Sunni
insurgent groups that have formed coalitions opposed to the Al Qaida.
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