And now they sing odes. Mr. Neog, that will happen when pigs have wings, just don't hold your breath too long.
Ode to the PCG
It is my humble opinion as a layman — thanks to The Sentinel editorial ''A Layman's Appeal'' (June 14) — that the People's Consultative Group (PCG), constituted by the banned ULFA to prepare the modalities for the Centre-ULFA talks, could have acted responsibly after the outfit's latest strikes against innocent civilians. Let the PCG answer this: what stops it from condemning the dastardly attacks? And what makes the PCG members a silent species when it comes to the ULFA's open threat to four daring Asom journalists? The answers would define peace here.
Khagen Neog,
Khanapara, Guwahati-22.
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