I wonder why some people want that the Hindu priests should remain in the Dark 
Ages. Shouldn't they know English and have a degree in Hinduism -- there are 
750 million Hindus running thousands of univs --and they cannot run a good 
college on Hinduism studies  -then its shame shame only. ofcourse jains, 
budhists (Dalai Lama incl) don't offer degree program either  :-)


Hindu Press International <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Hindu Press International 
November 3, 2007                 November 3, 2007 
   Malaysia Hindu Sangam Protests Handling of Temple Demolition 
   Malaysia Indian Leader Calls for Halt to Temple Demolition 
   Congressman Warns Against Making Religious Worker Visa Discriminatory  

    1. Malaysia Hindu Sangam Protests Handling of Temple Demolition Malaysia 
Hindu Sangam
 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, November 3, 2007: (HPI note: The Malaysia Hindu Sangam 
president, Dato Vaithilingam, issued this press release.)

The Malaysia Hindu Sangam is shocked to understand that the developer of the 
land in Taman Karuppiah had never taken court action to evacuate the homes and 
buildings in the area. We understand that it was the former Mayor of Shah Alam 
who had taken the court order to clear the land. Having obtained the order, the 
Mayor, both former and present, had not followed procedures of having given 
reasonable time before the demolition of the Sri Maha Mariamman Temple Taman 
Karuppiah, Shah Alam on October 29, 2007. The temple which was demolished is no 
ordinary roadside shrine but it is a reasonably large temple with facilities 
for pujas, weddings, religious courses and kindergarten classes.
When the present Mayor went to the temple at about 9.00 AM the same day and 
said that the temple will be demolished withi  n two hours it is most 
unbelievable that such a senior responsible official could have no knowledge of 
the existing facilities of the temple. It is our view that he has not advised 
the Menteri Besar with the full details. It is also hard to believe that he was 
ignorant of the understanding by the officials of the MBSA, State Government, 
and MIC Officials with the temple officials the previous night on October 28, 
2007 assuring that temple can remain a few more days until the Deepavali 
It is our view that any court order which was obtained more than two years ago 
should have been treated with compassion to the devotees of the places of the 
worship of both the temple and the surau. We agree that the indiscriminate 
order to remove the Hindu temple and the surau was an unjust act of not 
considering the feelings of the respective religious followers in that area.
It is also our opinion that Mayor had no control over his enforcement officers 
who retaliated with heavy throwing of stones into the temple while a special 
pua was being conducted. It must be stated that the police force on duty at 
that time was restrained. The confrontational retaliatory action by the MBSA 
enforcement officers was in our opinion the cause for the violence in the 
Many officials of the temples, Malaysia Hindu Sangam and others were injured 
due to this aggressive attitude of the MBSA officers. Mr. T.  Ganesan, the 
Chairman of Malaysia Hindu Sangam, Selangor Branch, is one of those injured. 
Among the 14 people arrested and remanded at least half of them were innocent 
devotees of the temple who were merely playing a role of protecting the 
Deities. Attempting to destroy these Deities is very sensitive and is 
considered as an insult to the Hindu community. What else can the innocent 
devotees do when given only two hours notice? Such an act of detention by the 
police is condemned.
It is reliably learnt that the developer has allocated a land to the temple. 
However, we appeal to the developer to see that the land is suitable and 
appropriate in such a way that the structure of the temple will be facing the 
correct direction under the agamas.
In the mean time Malaysia Hindu Sangam appeals to the MIC leaders to have a 
dialogue with the leaders of the HINDRAF to find ways of solving the problems 
of temples in a peaceful manner. The Malaysia Hindu Sangam is w  illing to 
cooperate in this matter.

  2. Malaysia Indian Leader Calls for Halt to Temple Demolition
 KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA, November 3, 2007: MIC president Datuk Seri S. Samy 
Vellu has called upon all state governments and local authorities that wanted 
to demolish Hindu temples in their areas, to cease immediately, as their 
actions could be construed as being disrespectful to Hinduism. "The demolition 
of a temple in Kg Karuppiah, Padang Jawa, on Tuesday night hurt the feelings of 
the Hindu community in the area. "Temples are still being destroyed even though 
I have repeatedly brought the issue up during meetings with menteris besar and 
chief ministers," he said in a statement yesterday.

He added that the first principle of the Rukun Negara was "belief in God" and 
that the government could not penalize those who merely wished to practice 
their religion and exercise their right to believe in God. "It is a well-known 
fact that the majority of Hindu voters, and almost the entire Indian community 
in fact, are Barisan Nasional supporters.  "As such, I am pleading with the 
government to not resort to drastic measures like demolishing temples, even 
though they have been constructed illegally."

Samy Vellu said the Indian community had no choice but to build their temples 
on private or government-owned land, as they did not own any land of their own 
to build the temples on in order to fulfill their religious obligations. He 
called upon state governments and local councils to find alternative locations 
to replace temples that are earmarked for demolition or to merge smaller 
temples on a bigger plot of land. "I would also like to advise Hindus to not 
build temples any where they please, but only on permitted land," he said.

  3. Congressman Warns Against Making Religious Worker Visa Discriminatory
 WASHINGTON, D.C., November 2, 2007: A Democratic Congressman has warned 
against a proposed rule change that would make it more difficult for Hindu, 
Buddhist and other non-Christian religious workers to get a US visa. Edward J. 
Markey sent a letter to US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) 
officials urging them to consult with, and incorporate the feedback of, 
religious groups while considering the change. USCIS is considering changing 
the definitions of eligible religious workers and religious denominations 
related to the R-1 Religious Worker visa after widespread reports of fraud and 

The proposed immigration rule change could have the unintended effect of 
discriminating against people of non-Judeo-Christian faiths, Markey said, 
noting: Some religions in the United States, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, 
rely more heavily on foreign religious workers for their religious practice.  
For example, several of my Hindu American constituents in Massachusetts rely 
heavily on religious workers from abroad. An overly restrictive final rule on 
R-1 visas could greatly impact their ability to fully practice their faith. A 
narrow eligibility definition for the R-1 visa requiring seminary-type training 
or the approval of a central religious body, which do not exist for all faiths, 
could jeopardize the ability of some to practice their religion. We are a 
tolerant and inclusive society and our laws should reflect these values," 
Markey said.

"In seeking to improve the R-1 visa rules, we have to be careful not to throw 
the baby out with the bathwater. While I applaud the efforts of Homeland 
Security officials to reduce fraud in the R-1 program, the proposed changes 
must not exclude or impede legitimate visa applicants of non-Judeo-Christian 
faiths.  I urge USCIS to encourage and thoroughly consider more feedback from 
religious organisations as it formulates changes to improve the R-1 visa 
rules,"said Markey, a senior member of the House Homeland Security Committee.

Religious organizations that increasingly serve immigrant populations cite a 
need to bring in workers with the spiritual, cultural and linguistic expertise 
to serve them. Religious worker visas are used to bring in Catholic nuns, 
Hebrew teachers, Muslim imams and Baptist church administrators, among other 
workers. In 2006, more than 11,000 of the visas were issued, most to natives of 
Korea, Israel and India. Religious organizations say no other visa category 
fits their workers as well, and they praise the current system for being 
relatively hassle-free. But the process might have invited fraud, immigration 
officials say.

      NOTICE: Some source URLs cited in HPI articles are only valid on the date 
the article was issued. Most are invalid a week to a few months later. When a 
URL fails to work, go to the top level of the source's website and search for 
the article.  
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losing your consciousness. And as you come back into the mind, you see the mind 
for what it is, and you are free. You find that you are no longer attached 
because you see that the binder and the bound are one. You become the path. You 
become the way. You are the light. Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (1927-2001)
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