Title: Some Things About Assam Net
Hi Himen-da:

> Many years ago, I saw someone using the term "Civilian Invasion by Bangladesh" and got scared.

*** Scare is a state of mind. We can manipulate ourselves to be scared of little children too, if we so choose to, or if we are messed up enough. I know a lot of my fellow suburban Americans who are paranoid of driving to downtown. But it is a self-induced condition.

Would you care to share WHY you got so scared of the 'lungi menace'? Maybe talking about it will help you get over your phobia. Oh, yes, it may provoke unpleasant comments, but that too could be therapeutic, if you come with an open mind. Unfortunately when someone approaches this group with an intent to preach, my observation has been that you might as well go talk to a blank wall.

Oh there have been instances  of the aspiring preacher attempting to masquerade his mission as an open give and take , or that attempt to feed 'maas' by calling it 'jiji' ( like one of my reminders that offended you). But the pretensions show up under the strains of the first challenges, and it usually is downhill from then on. The defensiveness, the denials and protestations, the hurt feelings, the strike-backs; the symptoms are classic and unmistakable.

( How do I know all this ? A good old friend , a fellow Jokaisukiya, Dr. Tilok
Hatimuria, a practising Large Animal Shrink from Dogpatch, Arkansas ; he taught me everything about the large animal mind, four-legged and two).

>Even when I posted "there is NO GOD in Rik Veda"  there had been no response ! No curiosity !!

God is a very personal thing. Your attempts at making it a public issue to debate or to teach the ignoramus, is unlikely to draw people into it. But there are instances in which many netters join in verbal jousting over God, religion,  and everything taboo too.It is usually so when it is an intellectual exercise, not a political ploy. It depends on the context. The chances of prodding someone into it, by design, are slim to none.

Heaven ( it is just a manner of speech now) knows I disagree and debate with netters often on a variety of issues. Some participate, and many don't. There are many reasons. One is that not all are articulate enough to do justice to delivering a point of view that they may hold  -- an universal condition, not limited to kharkhowas or markhowas ( even though I sometimes present it as unique to us, as a ploy) But that does not mean they are not intelligent enough to read and understand what is going on.
They were not born yesterday, like I told you that I wasn't,  another thing that offended you.

That understanding has been very useful for me in communicating with them. In spite of the fireworks I have had the notoriety of generating time to time, they have not chased me out of town--YET; because I never try to insult their intelligence.

>I always write without personal attack, and without throwing "adjectives" on correspondents.

*** Often people use those adjectives to drive home a point. If it appears not to sink in ( density of the target matter is always a factor) they get more and more strident. Sweetness and honey laced prose, by and of itself, is no protection against those adjectives, if they are a foil for a hidden or thinly veiled agenda.

How do I know? You can say I wrote the book on it :-).

But there ARE boundaries! Mercifully, most of us know WHEN NOT to cross them. Newcomers miss the culture every now-and-then. They do get an opportunity to learn and mend their ways. Netters are quite forgiving. There have been a few incorrigible ones amongst us however. But they disappear by themselves. A few rare cases had to be shown the door too.

>I still appeal to you, as an old friend, to give up your anti-India approach.

*** That 'anti-Indian' stick, Himen-da, is a much abused and useless device. Its use is widespread amongst the immature, the inarticulate, the sanctimonious, the fascists and the religious zealots and the clueless of India, just like it is so  in the USA. Similarly with that anti-American smear, so prevalent in the far-right talk show circuit and the Bible-belt sermons.

Thoughtful people would attempt to understand WHERE that "anti-India approach" springs from. They would attempt to learn if it is a CAUSE or a SYMPTOM.( Here I speak from FIRST HAND experiences. I have been excoriated for MY 'anti-Indian'-ness
more times than anybody else I know.)

And no amount of appeals, be it on grounds of old-friendships, or debts to Bharat-Mata's graces, or rewards of patriotism or what-have-you, would change anything, until those CAUSES get addressed and resolved.

I thought you are enough of a realist to realize that, more so after three decades in the USA as a practising engineer. But there is always time to learn new tricks :-).




At 6:52 AM -0500 1/31/06, Himendra Thakur wrote:
Dear Mukul,
You are right. I am really pausing to think why nobody is answering. But, what I wrote were not fantasies. Many years ago, I saw someone using the term "Civilian Invasion by Bangladesh" and got scared.
Even when I posted "there is NO GOD in Rik Veda"  there had been no response ! No curiosity !!
I always write without personal attack, and without throwing "adjectives" on correspondents.
I still appeal to you, as an old friend, to give up your anti-India approach. Who is this Baba Ramdeo, anyway ???
With the best,
----- Original Message -----
From: mc mahant
Cc: assam@assamnet.org
Sent: Tuesday, January 31, 2006 5:38 AM
Subject: RE: [Assam] Civilian Invasion by Bangladesh

Have you paused to think why nobody is replying to your fantasies?
Could it be that they all think you offer nothing but garbage?
Cool off!
Maybe join Baba Ramdeo's Ashram at somewhere.
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