Tez for promotion at international level


 GUWAHATI, Nov 21 –
The proposed foundation in the name of Dr Bhupen Hazarika will give importance
on promoting the ideals and work of the cultural icon at the international
level and to accept every challenge that might come in the way of realizing the
vision of the icon.


Sharing his aspirations and those significant moments in life
that shaped his perception, Tez Hazarika who is taking the initiative to launch
this foundation said that everyone who loved the bard should join this mission
of realizing his vision for the uplift of the Assamese society.


This interactive session with Tez Hazarika organized by
Pragjyoti Communications here on Wednesday provided an opportunity to the
individuals gathered on the occasion to get to know more about the proposed
foundation and how it is going to be different from the rest.


“We all will have to work hard to transform the society as
envisaged by Dr Bhupen Hazarika. There will be challenges no doubt, but the
biggest challenge is ourselves with our parochial mindset and other short
comings. Through communication with ourselves and the world outside we will
overcome the challenge,” said Tez adding that sincere effort is the need of the
hour to channelize the resources abundant in the State in the right direction.


Elaborating on the objectives of the proposed foundation,
Tez said that the foundation will promote progressive ideas and initiatives and
will encompass all community and tribe of the North East.


“Individuals and organizations will be a part of the
foundation. All the activities of the foundation will be transparent and result
oriented,” mentioned Tez. He further said that the foundation will not have any
political affinity and will attract the best minds in the world.


“We hope to attract people from all the North East States,”
said Tez.


The proposed foundation will also give emphasis on
translating the works of Dr Bhupen Hazarika into some of the major languages of
the world.

(The Assam Tribune ,22.11.2012)


সমাজৰ কাৰণে ভাল কাম কৰাজনৰ পৰিচয় ৰাইজৰ আগত দাঙি ধৰিব লাগে আৰু ভাল খবৰবোৰ যিমান 
পাৰি ৰাইজৰ মাজত বিলাব লাগে।

                            ----  বুলজিৎ বুঢ়াগোহাঁই
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