Is this the desi demokracy we keep hearing about so much? - well, of course, its from the other side not the GOI/GOA. Its really ironic, that these champions of independence, democracy, freedom, rule of law (??) and what not, would have to stoop this low and be the first ones to discard those very canons they wear as badges to suit their own agenda.
Threat to mediaThe United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) has done it again. Once again the militant outfit issued threat to four journalists of the State as the ULFA was apparently not happy with their views. The journalists should strongly resist such moves by the banned outfit to gag the media. In a democratic society, every person has the right to express his or her views and everyone may not support such views. But issuing threats to oppose views of any individual cannot be supported and it is a good sign that the journalists of the State have joined hands to oppose the action of the outfit. A meeting of the city-based journalists, held at the Guwahati Press Club strongly condemned the ULFA's action and resolved to fight together against the attack on the fourth estate. The meeting called upon the ULFA to desist from issuing such threats and decided to launch a signature campaign against the attempt of the militants to terrorise the media. The journalists should stick together in this hour of crisis when a militant outfit issued threats to a few journalists only because the leaders of the outfit were opposed to the views expressed by the journalists and if the outfit is opposed to the views expressed by the media, they have every right to express their feelings through the media instead of trying to gag the Press.

In the past also, the State witnessed threats and even attacks on newsmen by the members belonging to the ULFA and it is apparent that the leaders of the outfit do not have the tolerance to pay heed to the views of others and they expect that every person of the State would blindly support whatever they do. In the past, not only newsmen, but other people became the targets of militants' bullets only because they dared to raise their voice against the actions of the ULFA and the leaders of the outfit must realise the fact that just because they have the guns, everyone will not support whatever they do. Instead of trying to gag the media and all those who are opposed to the views of the ULFA with threats of guns , the leaders of the outfit should try to engage itself in a public debate through the media. The ULFA leaders should also remember the fact that they should not expect all sections of people to blindly follow their actions and the fact remains that no one including the Government failed in the attempts to gag the media. The State unit of the BJP has openly come in support of the media on this issue and it remains to be seen whether the other political parties manage to take a bold stand on the issue.

The ULFA leaders should also respect the sentiments of the majority of the people of the State, who want restoration of peace and desist from indulging in any kind of violence at a time when the peace process is on as such actions by the outfit may jeopardise the entire process. During the period from June 8 to 12, members belonging to the ULFA triggered off more than 25 blasts all over the State, which resulted in the death of at least seven persons and more than a hundred persons were injured. The Government of India is of course responsible for the delay in carrying forward the peace process, but that did not mean that the outfit would target innocent people to show its strength. What is perplexing is that the attacks by the outfit started after the Central Government announced the date for the third round of talks with the ULFA appointed People's Consultative Group (PCG) and such actions will raise doubts in the minds of the people of the State on the sincerity of the outfit on the issue of talks. If the ULFA continues its acts of violence, the Government will not be able to sit idle and will be forced to launch offensive against the members of the outfit, which , in turn, will seriously affect the peace process.

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