For all the concerned NRAs:
I am the owner/moderator of the yahoo group "Axomiya_Students" which was created for the assamese student studying outside India. Today someone named "Bidyut Kakoti" uploaded a file to the group which is disturbing to me. I am attaching the mail that I sent to the group in response to that and also the notification that I recieved for the file uploaded. I hope that these kind of things don't happen again in our group as we are a bunch of civilized people who know how to respect respected people.
May be, I am sppechless, kind of disturbed. I am trying to calm myself down only with the thinking that whoever did this either is not educated or didn't reach to the category of civilized people even after education.
Santonu Goswami
El Paso, TX
An individual bearing the name Bidyut Kakoti, who joined this group only last afternoon is using this student group as a platform to post malicious emails against a very respected and well-learned person in the Assamese Community in the US.
The main purpose of starting this yahoo group was to exchange ideas and also to create a network among the assamese students studying outside India. No one has any right whatsoever to misuse this platform to express his/her personal grudge against anyone.
Therefore, I take the authority to ban this individual from using this group and warn against any kind of similar activity from anyone in the future. I expect full support from every member in this group regarding this action. Our experiences so far have been really nice except this incidence.  
Lets make this endeavor a successful one preventing anyone with a screwed up mentality who donot really belong here.
Santonu Goswami

Yahoo! Groups Notification <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of your axomiya_students

File : /jk/moral_coward_thief_lier.html
Uploaded by : bidyutkakati <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Description : moral coward of U.S.A - a thief & lier

You can access the file at the URL:

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